Weather Related Organizations > WeatherUnderground
WU PWS Advisories
W Thomas:
When checking my current data yesterday at the Wunderground site I noticed a link at the top that made mention that my data was being received late
and /or different time based errors. Has anyone else gotten such an advisory or is there something actually wrong with my timing I haven't noticed yet??
I am using Dimension to sync my servers RTC with the closest time server to me (Virginia Tech ) and I also have VWS to sync the station data with the servers RTC. The two times match fine but there are times when I see latency issues ( or worse an outage ) with my DSL connection so maybe thats what is up setting their data.. Just curious so I can fix whatever is happening :) I wouldn't want to be the station with bad data that hurts everyone else :)
Did you change your time a few weeks ago?
I had the same notice from WU when the time changed. I think it verifies that there is a one hour time difference.
I had that notice as well but I wrote it off to system time error on my end even with a daily time-sync. Somehow my box would pick up some extra time if I left FFox running. I think it stopped after their last small update to FFox as it hasn't happened for awhile.
I figured it was somehow connected to my system clock picking up at least 3 minutes a day if I left FFox open.
I had a PWS alert for data 'too early/too late' following the change in DST. I checked the PC and Console time were both correct, and the PC time zone was also correct, but the console timezone was set to GMT +3, which changed to GMT +2 after the clocks went back. The console handled the time change properly, but not the timezone change.
W Thomas:
--- Quote from: curly on November 13, 2008, 05:27:44 AM ---Did you change your time a few weeks ago?
I had the same notice from WU when the time changed. I think it verifies that there is a one hour time difference.
--- End quote ---
I did change the time but I believe I did so the day that could be what's going on..
I don't remember checking WU since the time change..or at least the current data where the alert could be seen..
Maybe that's all it was and nothing more .... that would be a change for sure :)
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