Weather Related Organizations > WeatherUnderground
cannot send to WU
Running weatherlink
After we reimaged the school computer I cannot send to WU.
I do a test- it brings up the message
Is your internet working? Cannot connect to
I replaced the weatherlink-wu .dll file.
I am not getting much help from the network people at school.
I did a connection test with windows- it says it can connect to the windows server by http, https-- but not ftp.
What can I do to the computer to fix this?
Mark / Ohio:
--- Quote from: chief-david on November 11, 2008, 09:43:25 PM ---....I did a connection test with windows- it says it can connect to the windows server by http, https-- but not ftp....
--- End quote ---
That is odd why it won't go through, they use http. :-k
What version of WeatherLink are you running?
Seems like there was a bug in older versions previous to 5.8 that would not allow the Weather Underground update to work unless there was an entry in the internet connection/ftp settings or log on settings. I checked on the Davis site to try and verify that but looks like they have pulled the version history's prior to 5.8.
Edit: Looks like your webpage is loading Ok so the ftp part is actually working?
I have 5.8.0 or 5.8.1
Is there a firewall that needs a hole poked in it?
Mark / Ohio:
At a minimum I would think you would have Windows firewall activated on your computer. You could try adding WeatherLink to the "Exceptions" list if it is not listed already.
Being a school I would bet they have some additional security to that in the pipeline somewhere.
I just updated to 5.8.2
No luck yet
The gurus are looking at it.
there is no windows firewall being used- they use something else
The message also says Is IE set up to accept html content?
I care more about the website then WU- but it is maddening when something work, then it doesn't and you have no control
does anything need to be put in the ftp part of the internet settings on WL? I never did before
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