Administration > WXForum Featured weather website

Featured Weather Website - Spring, 2014 -

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Congratulations and many thanks for the scripts.

Congratulations, Wim.  The honor is well-deserved not just for your site but also for your contributions to our PWS community.  Thank you! =D&gt;

It was also great to learn more about you personally.

Central Maine Weather:
Congratulations, Wim! Very nice site for sure!

W7DRM (old call was W3DRM):

Congratulations on winning! Your site is really nice. I especially like the comment Ken made about you wanting to help others. That means so much to those who are just beginning in the hobby. A little help can make a huge difference when a new user is questioning how to get started. All of us were, at one point in time, beginners.

Best of luck as you further develop your  website.


--- Quote --- All of us were, at one point in time, beginners.

--- End quote ---

I still am!  :-)


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