Weather Software > WeeWX Software
Deployed new Davis weather station running weewx
Hi All,
Just deployed a new Davis Vantage VUE Weather Station running the weewx software.
I installed weewx in a virtual machine running Ubuntu 12.04 (gnome) Linux. Tired to the console via the serial data logger. Using a modified version of the Byteweather skin.
Been learning a lot about weewx in the process, not to mention programming in python. Very impressed with this weather software. Lots of flexibility and pretty easy to customize it the way you want. Best of all it's pure Linux, which means it is real stable. Unlike my previous system that was running on WinXP. At present I have it uploading to wunderground and my webserver, as well as providing a really nice console interface on my virtual machine.
I have 20 plus years experience working with Linux, so if some of you are considering jumping the windows ship, I would be happy to help you get it and weewx up and running.
There is also a Weewx forum here, lot of good information:!forum/weewx-user
I am moving my system over to it using a WD "skin" - currenty running on a Raspberry Pi and on my internal web server!
Do you have a link for you station or did I miss it somewhere?
My station webpage is on private network limited to family only, so not available to general public.
Would like to see some samples of the skin you use. Could not seem to find when I Googled it. Any link would be helpful!
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