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"findU needs your help!"
Current standings, as I know them from checking email and the threads...
As of 5 PM PDT 5:15 PM PDT Tuesday, 9 Sept 2008:
Wxforum $150 Weather-Watch $125
Since I'm a member of both forums, if I wanted to contribute $40.01, do I get to decide how to allocate the money, and how do I decide who gets the extra penny?
Yup. All you gotta do is tell me. I split my $100 between the 2 because, at Ocala's and George's urging, I started this. :)
As far as the extra penny, why don't you flip it to make the decision? Heads, Wxforum, tails, WD. In either case, it goes to a good cause.
OK, I just made a donation. I've been sending data through FindU for four years, so $10 per year is the least that I can do.
Could you allocate the funds as follows?
weather-watch: minus $100
wxforum: plus $140.01
total: $40.01
--- Quote from: kray1000 on September 09, 2008, 10:58:54 PM ---OK, I just made a donation. I've been sending data through FindU for four years, so $10 per year is the least that I can do.
Could you allocate the funds as follows?
weather-watch: minus $100
wxforum: plus $140.01
total: $40.01
--- End quote ---
Wow, that's cold... You say you belong to both forums? Not for long, I'll wager... I'll have to make sure the WD people know why they fell behind...
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