Weather Related Organizations > WeatherUnderground
WU Question
W Thomas:
Well let me say it's a privilege to be the one to christen this child board section of the main forum :-)
I have a problem that shows up each and every time my internet connection drops...which is unfortunately 100 times a day it seems ! ( Embarq really needs to fix this )
Anyway when it happens I have to restart the VWS program on my weather server to allow updates to WU to start happening again.
It don't show to be affecting any of the other servers I upload to with maybe the exception of my personal web page.
Does anybody know if there is a feature or tendency of the WU servers to reject updates from a site that has sporadic internet connectivity or such until that site is logged back on via a software restart?
My port monitor software shows data packets leaving here all during these times but a check of the station data on WU shows different. Occasionally it will start updating again if not touched in 8-10 hrs ( I have been away from access and seen this happen )
I really do not have a way( that I know ) to verify I am logged onto their update server other than the page being loaded and the up date box being ticked.
Sorry to burden the system with trivial matters but this is a problem that has been chewing away at me for awhile now and various email to WU have not been addressed.. They may have written it off as a network issue or something.. I just never received anything except the auto responder reply. I do use the Rapid Fire setting mainly due to using my data there as an indication as to whats happening on the home front when I am away.
Mark / Ohio:
That happens to me too. I could see the data transfer on my internet connection but no updates. The later versions of VWS seem to be better at keeping the connection than earlier versions were. I've also wondered if it might be something to do with the internal firewall in my DSL modem/router after a disconnect and reconnect cycle.
W Thomas:
--- Quote from: Mark / Ohio on September 07, 2008, 02:57:18 PM ---That happens to me too. I could see the data transfer on my internet connection but no updates. The later versions of VWS seem to be better at keeping the connection than earlier versions were. I've also wondered if it might be something to do with the internal firewall in my DSL modem/router after a disconnect and reconnect cycle.
--- End quote ---
I'm not sure about the firewall issue either. I am glad to hear it's not my imagination playing tricks on me and that it does happen somewhere else :lol:
I may need to update versions a little sooner than i anticipated if this may correct the problem.
Thanks for the help!
Mark / Ohio:
--- Quote from: kg4muc on September 07, 2008, 11:18:27 PM ---....
I may need to update versions a little sooner than i anticipated if this may correct the problem...
--- End quote ---
I would not go so far as to say it might correct the problem. But from my memory back running V13 a newer version will probably help it. I actually mentioned it to Ed once back a year or more ago while tugging his ear about another issue. Probably while I was still running the V13's. I think it was something about WU closing the port after a time out and VWS unable to tell it was closed?? Seems I recall he was trying some changes at the time and it did seem to get better with later versions at least for me. My connection is pretty solid most of the time.
Dropped connections on either the data input or output side seem to be one of the biggest cause of instability in different functions of the software.
W Thomas:
I agree ! That seems to be the weakest part of the software. Centered around the sometimes cranky ftp upload client part.
I did go back to the Ambient site and I see where now the latest version listed for my station (currently) is 14.0. With that being the case I am way behind the times.
Are you running 14.0 or some build in sequence of that?? I was wondering if there were any issues to watch out for..any instabilities and so forth.
Looks like I may have to update to that right away. I have ran into another problem tonight while trying to set up my system for my local weather network ( MAWN )
I can't seem to get VWS to create a stickertags.htx file no matter what I do.. stumped for the moment here as well LOL!
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