Weather Station Hardware > Weather Station Pictures
Tawas Bay Weather
Tawas Bay Michigan Weather Station
Weather at Silkeborg, Denmark:
Best regards,
--- Quote from: tbweather on March 18, 2008, 03:08:55 PM ---Tawas Bay Michigan Weather Station
--- End quote ---
OK, that's just beautiful. You get to wake up to that view every morning? Nice!
--- Quote from: jaded on March 23, 2008, 02:04:57 AM ---
--- Quote from: tbweather on March 18, 2008, 03:08:55 PM ---Tawas Bay Michigan Weather Station
--- End quote ---
OK, that's just beautiful. You get to wake up to that view every morning? Nice!
--- End quote ---
He he he! That would be a great view, wouldn't it.
Umm ... not to burst anyone's bubble, but that's not the real McCoy. It's a pic of a good model.
If you want to see a pic of the real thing, go to my web site. I have pics of several Michigan lighthouses, including the Tawas Point Light.
p.s. (Sorry, Lew. ;))
EDIT: I may have to modify my statement. That might be Lew's actual view. :shock: What I meant was that isn't the actual lighthouse. 8-)
Well. that is my actual view. The real lighthouse is out in front of the house across the Bay. The model shown in the photo is a 1"=1' scale of the lighthouse tower that I got through John (WXWP at Lighthouse Weather ) from a guy in Delaware who builds lighthouse models. The keeper's house I built using dollhouse materials. The model sits next to the Davis weather station.
I'm just happy if I wake up each morning. The view is a bonus. :-)
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