Weather Related Organizations > AWEKAS
No more AWEKAS
Today I received an mail from AWEKAS regarding my data sent, either the temp or the humidity was wrong?! and therefore the temp- and humiditydata was blocked.
The village I live in is surrounded by an small mountainridge that makes temperatures to differerentiate from the official SMHI-prognosis.
Due to the fact that AWEKAS did not ask about why I was sending in their opinion wrong data, before blocking temp- and humiditydata, I have stopped all data to AWEKAS
and also requested them to cancel my account.
best regards
Christer Bergström
Yes, I feel they should first notify the owner of the possible discrepancy to have it looked at. If contact can not be made then maybe block it until something can be done (if it is wrong).
I agree!! I cannot understand why these sites that get data do things like that. I have seen the same thing mentioned about CWOP on the forum before. :?
I agree with the CWOP quality control analysis. They never consider the terrain and local environment. And what is MADIS?
I'm a MADIS station.
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