Weather Software > Cumulus
Rain discrepancy
Well this is starting to look like my own personal forum, the boss and myself being the only ones to post here. But to the comment. It has at long last started to rain some in Houston. A statement I never imagined myself making considering the past history of rain every time you turn around. Anyway my Davis console is showing .12 inches of rain but cumulus is showing 0.00 inches for today. Is it possible that I need the data logger to get accurate data? I have the Sparkfun usb conversion cable instead of the data logger setup.
--- Quote from: hswaters on July 16, 2011, 01:11:53 PM ---Well this is starting to look like my own personal forum, the boss and myself being the only ones to post here. But to the comment. It has at long last started to rain some in Houston. A statement I never imagined myself making considering the past history of rain every time you turn around. Anyway my Davis console is showing .12 inches of rain but cumulus is showing 0.00 inches for today. Is it possible that I need the data logger to get accurate data? I have the Sparkfun usb conversion cable instead of the data logger setup.
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About the rain not being displayed on the cumulus program the problem was apparently caused by the Davis DLL not running from 20:00 until later the next day. It seems like I had installed a different web cam at the time the DLL stopped. I guess the install did it. If I had restarted windows it would not have happened. I installed a web cam that has a resolution of 800x600 pixels. Quite an improvement over the old logitech ball cam I was using.
Well you figured out one reason why it important to have a data logger. As some time you have to do thing to computer and stop weather programs and then there is the crash for no reason when your not home it fix it.
--- Quote from: mmorris on July 17, 2011, 07:10:17 AM ---Well you figured out one reason why it important to have a data logger. As some time you have to do thing to computer and stop weather programs and then there is the crash for no reason when your not home it fix it.
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My weather station is not mission critical. I am just an old retired guy with a toy. I am not running a business or doing scientific research. A few holes in the history will not hurt. Having said that I think I will run an extension cord from my UPS around the room to the pc running the weather software and webcam. We do get a lot of 2 to 20 second power failures.
OK I'm not a spring roaster either and try and not post thing that aren't important to me. I just figured since you posted about not having all the data that data was important to you or you were looking for a reason. As some people on the forum are anal about there data me when I first got started years ago I collected years of data then Ed changed the way the data base kept records making it imposable to read old records. Then there were hard drive crashes with backup that never seemed to be restore able.
Anyways you got it figured out. :-|
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