Web Weather > Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting
Ajax Website Not Updating
Hi gang;
Take a look at my website. www.bigbaywx.com For some reason it's not updating at all since 12/14 0040Hrs. It's been running pretty flawlessly but when I woke up this morning I took a look and found out it's no longer updating. That happened once before and it was a clientraw problem. So like before I just deleted the clientraw from both the website public_html folder and also from the weather display folder and simply recreated the file, uploaded it and last time that fixed the problem and this time still no updating.
I went through everything on weather display including swapping the backup files into the weather display webfiles folder thinking that a file had gotten corrupted and then re-uploaded all the files to the website and it still won't update. Then I did a complete uninstall of weather display, cleaned out all the old registry files and reinstalled weather display, re-uploaded the files to the website and no update. The only thing updating on the webpage is the radar display. Everything else from the forecast, weather advisories, daily stats and graphs, ect are not updating. I think the problem is on my end but I even did a restore on the website to a previously saved configuration in case a file was corrupted on the website and still no joy.
I have done everything I can think of short of totally deleting everthing I have done so far on my end and then going into the website and deleting everything and trying to start all over. Any of you guru's have any idea whatsoever that I can try??
--- Quote from: Hfcomms on December 14, 2007, 01:04:19 PM ---Hi gang;
Take a look at my website. www.bigbaywx.com For some reason it's not updating at all since 12/14 0040Hrs. It's been running pretty flawlessly but when I woke up this morning I took a look and found out it's no longer updating. That happened once before and it was a clientraw problem. So like before I just deleted the clientraw from both the website public_html folder and also from the weather display folder and simply recreated the file, uploaded it and last time that fixed the problem and this time still no updating.
I went through everything on weather display including swapping the backup files into the weather display webfiles folder thinking that a file had gotten corrupted and then re-uploaded all the files to the website and it still won't update. Then I did a complete uninstall of weather display, cleaned out all the old registry files and reinstalled weather display, re-uploaded the files to the website and no update. The only thing updating on the webpage is the radar display. Everything else from the forecast, weather advisories, daily stats and graphs, ect are not updating. I think the problem is on my end but I even did a restore on the website to a previously saved configuration in case a file was corrupted on the website and still no joy.
I have done everything I can think of short of totally deleting everthing I have done so far on my end and then going into the website and deleting everything and trying to start all over. Any of you guru's have any idea whatsoever that I can try??
--- End quote ---
Holy cow! I sure wouldn't have done all that first!
Do you have "rename" the clientraw setup in WD?
Do you have to auto restarting every X minutes?
Mine would crap out every once and while so I set it up to auto restart itself every 30 minutes... fixed the problem.
This is not really an Ajax issue as all it is doing it looking for the data in the clientraw.txt files.
Looking at what it commonly the place to look for those files, I find the clientraw.txt file with the date you are reporting...one of several places...
029 Hour T 00
030 Minute T 40
031 Seconds T 55
032 Station Name L -12:40:55 AM
035 Day T 14
036 Month T 12
So the issue breaks down to one of several possibilities...
1) WD is not updating the data in the clientraw files but is uploading the file that was last updated.
2) WD is updating the clientraw files but not uploading them to your web server.
It is hard to tell which of the two is happening without seeing the date stamp of the actual file on the webserver. IF it is current, then the issue is #1. If it is not current, it could be issue #2.
There are a number of possible causes for both, so you first need to figure out which is the issue.
Would you mind posting a bit of the log from your realtimeclientrawftp program? You can doubleclick on the yellow icon in the system task area to restore the window for the process. Hit Stop to pause the updates, then copy a couple of screens worth of log to the clipboard and paste them on a reply here. That will help us to see what (if any) FTP issues there are.
Best regards,
I'm at work right now and won't be able to do anything until I get home which will be around 11:30pm eastern.
I have not used the clientraw real time ftp program as it was updating every minute and was too resource intensive. I had it set up in the internet files section, had the file created and uploaded every 5 minutes and that was working fine. I was watching the files in the ftp program update every 5 minutes and it was sending the clientraw the other clientraw annexes up to the website. It's also sending the locals up as well as it should be doing. Don't see it doing any different. If I should use the real time clientraw I'll turn that on when I get home and watch it and upload some of the status files.
My guess out of the two would be that WD isn't updating the clientraw but I'll check that against the datestamps when I get home. I can get into the website control panel from work so if there is any information in the files menu that would be helpful I can post that.
--- Quote ---Do you have "rename" the clientraw setup in WD?
Do you have to auto restarting every X minutes?
--- End quote ---
I don't even remember a rename box being in the clientraw set up. I'll check that out when I get home. However not sure what you mean about the "auto restarting". Unless your referring as too how often the updates are sent?? It's set up to upload the clientraw every 5 minutes at this point. You may have to enlighten me on the auto restart.
I do appreciate the helpful suggestions and I'll look at some of these things when I get home. The thing that gets me is it was working fine and just crapped out early this morning for some strange reason. I'm still sort of a noob at this so just going through the growing pains.
Thanks again!!
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