Weather Station Hardware > What Weather Station Should I Buy?

Home Indoor Monitoring Station with five or more temp/humid/presurrer\ sensors

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A ecowitt gw1000 I think has what you're looking for for indoor T+H+P.  It supports up to 8 indoor T+H sensors, one outdoor one, soil sensor, etc. 


--- Quote from: vinceskahan on January 31, 2023, 05:02:59 PM ---A ecowitt gw1000 I think has what you're looking for for indoor T+H+P.  It supports up to 8 indoor T+H sensors, one outdoor one, soil sensor, etc.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for the suggestion. But I prefer something with a console, everyone can see it without going to check on a computer.

for display consoles from Ecowitt (and clone brands) and extra temperature/humidity sensors (up to 8 per console) you have basically three choices:
- HP25x0 consoles
- HP350x console (which is pretty small)
- WS19x0 consoles which only show a selection of sensors on the display - all extra temp/hum sensors though
for an overview see

the proposed displayless GW1100 (or GW2000) can still be useful if you can repurpose an old (or new) Android tablet together with the Personal Weather Tablet app.


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