Weather Software > My AcuRite smartHUB Software
Keep using The Old SmartHub! Kevin has a release version of His Software!
Jack Bowman:
I can report at this time that Kevin's Software is still maintaining accurate weather data collection from the now unsupported Hub. I am still updating Weather Underground and other weather websites that the software supports. What a wonderful surprise. It looks like the hub is making 1-second attempts at sending data to Acurite trying to connect with the server that once acknowledged it's existence and gave it life. I can find no record of it rebooting or shutting down at this time. It looks like the Hub lives on. It would appear that as Jeff Goldblum was correct in Jurassic Park when he said... "Life finds a way" [tup] 8-)
UPDATE: Software has stopped working
--- Quote from: ColoradoWeather on March 02, 2019, 09:34:22 AM ---I can report at this time that Kevin's Software is still maintaining accurate weather data collection from the now unsupported Hub. I am still updating Weather Underground and other weather websites that the software supports. What a wonderful surprise. It looks like the hub is making 1-second attempts at sending data to Acurite trying to connect with the server that once acknowledged it's existence and gave it life. I can find no record of it rebooting or shutting down at this time. It looks like the Hub lives on. It would appear that as Jeff Goldblum was correct in Jurassic Park when he said... "Life finds a way" [tup] 8-)
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It sounds like Kevin's software is giving a good enough response to preventing rebooting.
The next issue will be what will happen when the SmartHUB reboots or loses power. If it does keep sending to wunderground after a reboot, the next thing to worry about will be the time setting. If the time is wrong, that will cause problems with the rain totals, but everything else should continue to work fine.
Now, it may be possible that Kevin wrote his software so that it, not the SmartHUB, is handling the rain totals. Remembering his past comments about how his program works, that might be true. If so, maybe his software will continue to work just fine.
Jack Bowman:
As far as I know, the software only reads network traffic from the hub. The software does calculate the rain totals. I have powered down and rebooted the hub a number of times. So far so good. The time that the hub is set to internally is not controllable anymore, so I guess we will see what happens with that.
--- Quote from: ColoradoWeather on March 02, 2019, 01:55:19 PM ---As far as I know, the software only reads network traffic from the hub. The software does calculate the rain totals. I have powered down and rebooted the hub a number of times. So far so good. The time that the hub is set to internally is not controllable anymore, so I guess we will see what happens with that.
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I'm guessing you're all good, then. I'd keep a good watch on the rain totals, but I expect they'll be fine.
Jack Bowman:
Thank you for your input, George! Looks like I am good for now. Do you happen to know if the new Acurite Equipment will generate the (weatherdata.cvs) file that so many web scripts want to use? My whole web site is based on this one little file for updating everything live. Kevin's software is generating it for me now. I have the web server on a local network so I have a lot of flexibility.
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