Hi Folks
I've been away from the world of weather websites for well over a decade. I frequented weather forums back in the day, and ran a popular website in Canada until life and family got in the way!!
I'm tentatively exploring getting back into it, the spark is coming back!!
I was a big user of Digital Atmosphere created by Tim Vasquez, I still have my old purchased key-code info and all that. But I cannot get hold of him. It's been over a week since I sent an email as there are issues with the latest build. I can't access their forum either as my old passwords/emails are not working either.
Anyone know of Tim, and whether DA has been abandoned? I'm reluctant to get back into using it if the support is no longer there.
Gosh, and looking through my old website backup files from 2008. Hamweather script huh, those were good times!!! A subject for another day lol.
Apologies if I have posted this in the wrong area.