« on: January 02, 2025, 11:49:05 PM »
Will the new Ecowitt GW3000 work with the Ambient Meteobridge
Platform: TL-MR3020 ?
« Last Edit: January 02, 2025, 11:51:07 PM by Platokidd »

1-WS-2000 1-WS-2902A 2-WS40/RAIN 1-WH31L
1-METEOBRIDGE 1-PM2.5 (WH41B) 3-WH31 1-SRX100LX
2-HP2550 2-HP2560 2-GW2000 2-GW1100 1-GW3000
2-WS68 1-WS80 1-WH32EP 10-WH31 1-WH40
1-HP10 2-WH45 1-WH46 4-WH55
1-WN30 1-WH41 6-WH51
1-DAVIS 7714
1-Fisher Barometer 1436R-22
1-Starpath Baro
PWS at 2 locations.
And Zelda The Storm Dog
Uploading to: CWOP, AWN, Ecowitt.net, Weather Underground, PWSweather.com, AWEKAS, Windy.com, WOW, MeteoMap.Cloud.