Sorry for the late response.!
Thank you for your information that you provided me.
I will look into the other stations such as the ones you mentioned when
mine retires. Yes I do have an issue with sensor its way off on the dewpoint
now by 5 points but everything else ok press temp. I will reset system and
replace batteries and take a look inside sensor these on some have an adjustment.
Well anyway I appreciate it and I apologize for bringing this duplicate topic that
may have been on there. I could not find my model as a topic or subject.
On a side note I have a Blitzortung lightning detection group/system
and my own additional local one I use as a separate preamp and small
ferrite antennas from Blitzortung I purchased thet make them very well.
7 inch shielded ferrite antennas and vlf preamp you can buy from them. are also lightning detectors for weather stations too they
pick up stuff very local 25-40 miles or so within severe weather
range of a radar ie tornado and or strong lightning storms etc.
Here is an example of a more simple one not using ferrite antenna
but Aduino system I saw online. thinking of getting something like this for very local stuff to test along side with
the one I have I put together myself. I use Lightning radar software for PC to
using line input. Well anyway a new topic we can talk about or that is posted
lightning detection.
So if there are any threads about lightning detection please let me know!
Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Paul Kalamaras
AG Meteorologist- Palm Beach Gardens Florida.
Skywarn PB6027.