From what I've read, I don't think there is any question to what equipment will be used. It is the Vaisala HMP155 with a remote temperature sensor option. The remote temperature sensor will be placed in an aspirated RM Young shield and the HMP155 humidity/dewpoint sensor will be placed in a separate passive shield. The government contracts have been awarded and it seems even the shields and sensors have been procured. From what I understand, they are simply testing the reliable incorporation of the new equipment in the existing ASOS system at select sites before they proceed with full implementation. Mr. Boutin is the program manager and is the one who updates the current events site as I understand it. He's even replied to me personally in the past, but they seemed to have tightened it up a bit recently not only with in the information on the current events page but also with contact info. A member here, ASOSWX, might have additional information if he is able to share given the sensitivities involved.