Author Topic: La Nina - Climate Change  (Read 6672 times)

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Offline SamStam

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La Nina - Climate Change
« on: October 29, 2020, 05:01:25 PM »
I'm new to this forum ... Hope I posted in the right place.

As Global Warming/Climate Change continues would it be logical to expect more occurrences of La Nina?

Offline waiukuweather

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2020, 08:55:50 PM »
the strongest El Nino's follow a pattern of the sun spot activity (i.e every 11 years)
and so the strongest La nina's also at times can follow a similar mirror during solar minimums, like there is now, you can get strong la Nina's
(i.e colder than normal eastern pacific waters)
the sun will ramp up again with solar activity and sun spots over the next 4 to 5 years
and so expect the pattern to swing back to more frequent El Nino events and some strong ones too over the coming next 5 years
even with the current solar minimum and La Nina, global temperatures have still been breaking warm records, due to the background global warming offset
so with the up coming swing back to El Nino's in the next 5 years and the sun back to stronger activity, then more global heat records will get broken over the next 5 years big time
that is my prediction
write it down
« Last Edit: October 29, 2020, 09:35:57 PM by waiukuweather »

Offline SamStam

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2020, 08:26:47 AM »

Is is possible that continued Global Warming could disrupt this process and result in a permanent La Nina?

Offline waiukuweather

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2020, 12:46:07 PM »
I don't see why
the southern hemisphere oscillation is a change/swing in the water temperature from average in the eastern pacific
the colder than normal temperatures are due to up welling from deeper
and results in good fishing off Peru, hence the name girl child instead of boy child
and so the Peru fisherman knew about this cyclic change for a long time
global warming is like an offset
and so it means as the oceans also warm, then to get an el nino, the water has to warm even more above 'normal'  to affect the atmosheric patterns/drivers (warmer water means more rising air, colder water means more sinking air, and since its such a large area of water, it affects a large area of weather patterns)
what will need to change as global warming continues is the 'normal' that is used to determine if above a threshold to be called an el nino will need to be changed (and so the same for la nina...i.e it wont need to be as the whole ocean have an effect)

Offline SamStam

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2020, 05:24:28 PM »

Offline Mattk

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2020, 06:43:01 PM »
....As Global Warming/Climate Change continues would it be logical to expect more occurrences of La Nina?

First of all one has to quantify a statement like that as you are assuming Global Warming/Climate change (as such) is real and much of the so called science beyond such claims is more mumbo than jumbo.   

Offline waiukuweather

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2020, 04:48:00 AM »
What a rubbish statement that is

Offline Mattk

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2020, 05:13:50 AM »
What a rubbish statement that is

You need to expand that, otherwise nobody has any real clue what you mean or trying to say, vagueness is the failure of such pretences

Offline davidmc36

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2020, 05:52:07 AM »
....As Global Warming/Climate Change continues would it be logical to expect more occurrences of La Nina?

First of all one has to quantify a statement like that as you are assuming Global Warming/Climate change (as such) is real and much of the so called science beyond such claims is more mumbo than jumbo.

I think there is no problem with the reality of "Global Warming".

I dispute the causation or assertion it is a permanent trend.

Offline Mattk

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2020, 06:00:41 AM »
I think many many people lost interest in this so called global warming thing when just about every agency worldwide admitted they had been fiddling the temperature records in order to achieve a "desired" outcome which was quite different from the actual original raw data.

This is where Global Warming totally lost credibility and they came up with the holy grail of climate change, yes behold climate has been changing since the dawn of time, nothing new in that but to have to fiddle raw actual temperature records to achieve a pre conceived agenda is simply a global deception, to dispute the deception is simply ignoring reality.   

Offline sky_watcher

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2020, 06:42:38 AM »
I think many many people lost interest in this so called global warming thing when just about every agency worldwide admitted they had been fiddling the temperature records in order to achieve a "desired" outcome which was quite different from the actual original raw data.

This is where Global Warming totally lost credibility and they came up with the holy grail of climate change, yes behold climate has been changing since the dawn of time, nothing new in that but to have to fiddle raw actual temperature records to achieve a pre conceived agenda is simply a global deception, to dispute the deception is simply ignoring reality.   
Hmm. The only thing that changes that I have had experience with are "calibration" and "harmonisation".

Calibration is pretty obvious to most people where the readings from an individual device are adjusted to more closely reflect the readings from a higher standard device. There are plenty of articles on this board about calibration

"Harmonisation" is where a reading is adjusted because of a change in equipment or location. For example, the change to the Stevenson screen reduced errors induced by the previous screen design. So to compare the old readings to the new readings a "factor" must be applied to compensate for the measurement differences.

In the case of the variation between the original screen type (Greenwich) and the current (Stevenson) is well documented with over 50 years of direct comparison between two locally installed screens and it is clearly demonstrated that the Greenwich (or Glaisher) screen results in higher temperatures due to its open bottom and side allowing more direct and reflected solar radiation to hit the thermometers. Clearly to make a sensible comparison between a early reading in one screen and a later reading using the other cannot be done without taking that difference into account.

Another case is where the sensor is moved - for example from a location in an urban area to a park (example, shifting the Adelaide station from Kent Town (restricted urban area) to West Terrace (open parkland). The adjustment factor is determined by keeping both sites for at least 2 years to see how the readings vary between sites. Another old-new adjustment that makes perfect sense, as the parkland is cooler due to its environment.

So if it is not these perfectly valid comparison factors, what are you claiming these "criminal meteorologists" all around the world are doing, and how did they get the meteorologists from all the countries that hate each other to all sing from the same song page?

After all, if they aren't all in it, we would see the "fiddled" records producing heat walls around the borders of the countries were the meteorologists are all in on it, but not where they weren't. That is, the "unfiddled records" would be higher, but all the "fiddled records" would be lower - to meet the claim that they are fiddled to make it look like temperatures are rising.

Since I have seen no evidence of this, it seems that you are claiming that the VAST majority of meteorologists around the world are engaged in this criminal behavior and governments that hate the USA are not making propaganda points from exposing this fraud to the world.

Is that what you are really saying?
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Offline galfert

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2020, 08:29:33 AM »
Watching this thread. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, thoughts and beliefs. Respect each other, but you don't have to agree with each other. Stick to the topic, as so far most posts have not been on topic. This thread will be locked if it doesn't get back on topic.
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Offline waiukuweather

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2020, 02:57:41 PM »
What a rubbish statement that is

You need to expand that, otherwise nobody has any real clue what you mean or trying to say, vagueness is the failure of such pretences
what a rubbish statement that is, again
if you don't have anything usefull to say then don't say it
sky_watcher is on point with his post

Offline Mattk

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Re: La Nina - Climate Change
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2020, 03:19:49 PM »
What I am saying most can not support the comments or assumptions that they make and if comments and assumptions are made then these do need to be questioned otherwise the subject of any post becomes flawed very quickly and rather useless.