Hi Wim,
I use wsFctWxsimDPage.php for the desktop site and wsFctWxsimDSmall.php for the mobile version, where the display of $ws_wxsimP_heading is disabled on the latter.
I assume you find my forecast scripts and documentation pleasant to use. Nice forecasts, easy adaptable isn't?
You are using them on different platforms in different formats without having to write 1 line of code.
Would it be possible to fix the code so that $ws_wxsimP_times is created even if $ws_wxsimP_heading='not'?
enhances code if there are new features to be installed.
updates code if the external code is upgraded or changed such as PHP5 -> 7 > 8.
fixes something such as my code, if there are errors.
Your problem is "solved" by a user setting which can be switched on or off.
Lines 69-71 in wsFctWxsimDSmall.php should read
# the forecast time and expected new forecast
$ws_wxsimP_times = true;
#$ws_wxsimP_times = false;
Also the best wishes for 2025,
Why is a setting used for this?
Computing resources are not unlimited, at least they were severely limited when I started coding 55 years ago.
Therefor one does not generate and save on disk unneeded data.
@ALL Rethink "Do I you need support and adaptions a.s.o. in the future?"
There is a donation button on my
demo and download page And you can find them on all websites where you downloaded the other donation-ware you are using. The authors of the code you depend on to run a website will be grateful.