Author Topic: CR1000 datalogger  (Read 12842 times)

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Offline Audi

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CR1000 datalogger
« on: June 03, 2018, 03:15:56 PM »

I would like to have my cr1000 datalogger upload weather data (.dat file) to weather underground.
I have Wuhu software installed but i cant get it to work.

Someone got an example of how the .dat file should look like?
And should the data be averaged in the .dat file?

« Last Edit: June 03, 2018, 03:27:56 PM by Audi »

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2018, 03:46:14 AM »
Is the original maker owner still around?

Offline Jstx

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2018, 04:08:00 PM »

I would like to have my cr1000 datalogger upload weather data (.dat file) to weather underground.
I have Wuhu software installed but i cant get it to work.

Someone got an example of how the .dat file should look like?
And should the data be averaged in the .dat file?


I run WUHU with HeavyWeather Pro on MSWin 10Pro (and it worked on Win7Pro before upgrade) for a La Crosse WS2813 console via USB wireless interface.
I remember it being confusing to originally set up initially, but once running it's practically bulletproof, it just plods on. Had to redo once, went from scratch, and it all retained the whole history (I was sweating that it had been lost).

I have copies of the manuals (pdf's) and actual program files, plus the working ".dat" files. The HW manual has setup instructions that would probably fit other apps.
Plus have URL links (somewhere) to downloads (LaCrosse changed it, old link is pretty well hidden now-- or was some time ago when I checked for an updated version).

Guess I could forward them to you, or upload them here(?). Might take a little while to find them.

PS: WUHU itself runs as a Windoz service. It has a rich options set, takes some effort to properly set it all up. Heavy Weather Pro also has a lot of features, perhaps it would work with your equipment.
Don't know how they compare to all the other WX handlers in use, never tried anything else yet (my low-budget WX works well enough). Too bad these progs apparently weren't adapted for more systems.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 04:15:27 PM by Jstx »

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2018, 05:20:00 PM »
Hi Jstx,

Thanks you so much for your reply.
I really like to have those files to read and check of its running ok on my hardware.
You mention you use heavyweather?
But in Wuhu you have to set up the station, which is in my case the campbell scientific cr1000 and the .dat file.
I dont know if that makes a difference?
Im trying to get it to work for days now without luck.

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2018, 07:27:43 PM »
Hi Jstx,

Thanks you so much for your reply.
I really like to have those files to read and check of its running ok on my hardware.
You mention you use heavyweather?
But in Wuhu you have to set up the station, which is in my case the campbell scientific cr1000 and the .dat file.
I dont know if that makes a difference?
Im trying to get it to work for days now without luck.

Just looked at the WUHU configuration page (Setup, General Settings tab), and it does list your Campbell CR1000 as a defined line item selection.
Along with a lot of other systems and plain data types (CSV, etc), so setup shouldn't be too bad.
It lists quite a few PWS's and dat formats, so maybe it should be more widely used?
That WUHU option dropdown box is actually selecting from the list a unique system (yours), protocol, and data format (the .dat file in your case, other file types for other makes), used as a (serial) comms port. Assume they all vary in some parameters.
Sounds like a massive programming challenge for the author of WUHU, to ingest all the different type dat sets and comms requirements, then reformat that data and comms to the various requirements of the destination websites.
It's possible that your WUHU app is hosed, see links below for all things WUHU.

If I recall, the tricky part was setting a path to the working .dat file that the console app would load and update as scheduled, and WUHU would read and forward, upload (with maybe some reformatting) to the web WX sites (specified on other tabs).
The other paths in the selections below need to be specified too, assume that WUHU calls them for each console/feed type (mine are specific to the LaCrosse).
Somehow I ended up putting my ".lst" file (equivalent to your "dat" file for WUHU's purposes I think) in a subfolder I created in my "Documents" folder (Win10 system 'Documents'). Don't know why now. That ".dat" file path has to also be setup in the PWS WX app program too, to be updated/loaded with current readings.

Let me see if I can find and post the documentation pdf's here in a bit. --Having trouble locating my original HW/WUHU download folder, it's on another disk somewhere, will take a while to find.
Can't even find any ref to HW on the La Crosse site anymore.

Does your CR1000 have it's own PWS program for handling the console display? Is it a wireless, serial, or USB connection to your PC (assuming it interfaces w/a PC)? Then it needs to pass the current readings on to WUHU to handle IP uploading to WU, CWOP, etc.

Well, I found the current WUHU website (looks like the original developer has gone anonymous), these two seem to cover about everything.
Remember, with WUHU, you're basically setting up a semi-universal serial comms and IP port handler (a very complex one), and that has always been finicky.
Since your PWS appears on the menu options, it should be not too hard to do, unless there are bugs or version issues. WUHU should already know your CR1000 requirements, and if you link that .dat file correctly at both ends, and set up the upload points OK, it should just work.:


This link has all the downloads and misc, FAQs, etc.:

Here is a very comprehensive WeatherUnderground index page to almost all WS's and software-- "Personal Weather Station Hardware and Software":

I ran across a few damned 'Yahoo' WUHU WX group pages, looks like you've been there  :] .
I hate Yahoo, try not to ever go there. Among many other things, it's one of those sites that looks at your IP and assumes you wish to speak it's local language, since I use a VPN and am 'in Sweden' today it presents the page in Svenska, grrr, and no way to change.

Have at the above and I'll try to find my HW/WUHU docs and zips (may take a while as I run multiple PC's and have chingos of disks both in them and on the shelf to look through (probably getting close to 50TB+ now, the curse of a nerd/packrat, going back to the mid 1960's).
« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 07:32:53 PM by Jstx »

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2018, 12:15:56 AM »
Santa Vaca, Audi,
That Campbell CR1000 datalogger looks like it's used with Campbell Scientific WX systems.
From looking at their website all their stuff looks to be 1st class pro equipment (I didn't know that), they even embed RM Young components in the systems.
Veeery nice stuff (et yer hearts out, Davis groupies   :twisted:).
Not sure I want to know the pricetags (but I'm going to look, drool...).
I think I've seen this stuff on episodes of the TV series "Storm Chasers".

Everywhere I looked a little popup appeared offering to "Need help with configuring a system?  Let our experts help.", so you might try them first; way above my paygrade.

It seems that there isn't an actual pdf manual for the WUHU program itself. But the WUHU homepage website I linked earlier has a 'Start here' button at the top. It leads to a lot of good installation info, tips, etc., on setting up and using the prog. I have an idea that you're trying to cobble together something that is fairly difficult but doable.
You can download lots of WUHU info and programs there (WUHU link in earlier post).

Here's a link to user "wuhu-software" right here on WXForum (from 2008, ten years ago) pertaining to the CR1000 and WUHU (you've been on that thread, may have missed it), he invites questions, but whether he's still active here I don't know:

Here is an old copy of the HeavyWeather v.2.0, installation manual. It has a lot of good serial/USB interfacing info, some of which you might find useful..
Which I think is what you're doing, with WUHU in place/instead of the HeavyWeather prog as a display-upload app. Using and setting up the CR1000 is a whole other thing, they have extensive documentation for it on the Campbell website.
-- file is too big, 4M, for WXForum -- This might be useful, send a PMsg here, could email I guess, I also have all the HW/wuhu zips and exe's, but can't load here.

Here is the newer-latest HeavyWeather manual version. Wireless and quite different from the old cabled interface, but still just a Com port connection setup:
 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Release notes:
 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Middle HW version:
-- -- file is too big to use with the others, 1M, for WXForum --

Formatting of the HW "history.dat file" (old txt file):
 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

HeavyWeather app is capable of handling some other PWS's, but mine is La Crosse, and they are very cagey about it; and never even mention WUHU. I think that I might have found how to make those two progs work together with my LaCrosse WS-2813 on my PC here on WXForum long ago, there is a La Crosse topic subforum, might be more on WUHU there. All of this is kind of a kludge (I think highly of HW and wuhu, they're bulletproof and not fussy once set up).

The Campbell website has reams of reference material available for all their equipment, including the CR1000 datalogger.

Since WUHU is already set up for the Campbell CR1000 option, things shouldn't be too hard to smooth out. I didn't see any Campbell ref to WUHU though with a cursory look.
(don't even look at the ones above this...)

Quote from their lowest end system:
The WxPRO™ is an entry-level, research-grade weather station designed for a wide variety of environmental applications. This portable tripod station is suitable for both long-term and temporary deployments.

Designed for the budget-conscious researcher, this system is a lower-cost offering than the MetPRO™ while still maintaining the quality instrumentation expected from a Campbell Scientific solution. This system implements research-grade sensors, which are needed for defensible data in environmental research. Meteorological phenomena measured can be used to calculate many weather-related algorithms such as evapotranspiration, growing-degree days, wind chill, dew point, and other weather-related parameters. "

Offline Audi

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2018, 01:39:27 AM »

Thanks alot for your input, much appreciated :grin:

Yes the .dat file is highly configurable and i think/know it that i need to know.
Ive downloaded a .dat file from the wuhu group website, listed below.
I dont understand the wiring pinout mentioned on top of it, how to do that.
Ive run it on my datalogger but i get the number of fields error in Wuhu and cancelled all data updates because of that.
In Wuhu i dont have to use a .com port (it cant, i have just to select the cr1000 and the . Dat file), just a .dat file which the cr1000 can output as comma separate CSV file.

Here is the actual .dat file from the wuhu website:

'Date: 10/15/2013
'Author: Collin Daly - Campbell Scientific
'/////////////////////////// W I R I N G  F O R  C R 1 0 0 0 /////////////////////////////
'Insert wiring pinout here
'/////////////////////////// V A R I A B L E S  &  U N I T S /////////////////////////////
Dim AirTC
Public BattV
Public PTemp_C
Public BP_inHg
Public Rain_in
Public AirTF
Public RH
Public WS_mph
Public WindDir
Public WC_F
Public Tot24
Public TdF
Public PWSGetRequest As String * 500
Public PWSGetResponse As String * 500
Public Socket
'UTC TIme Variables
Dim TimeLong As Long
Public UTCTime As String * 30
Const UTC_OFFSET = -6*3600 '-6 Hours GMT (Adjust for your time zone)
Dim UTCTime$ As String * 30
Public UTCTime$$ As String * 30
Units BattV = Volts
Units PTemp_C = Deg C
Units BP_inHg = inHg
Units Rain_in = inch
Units AirTF = Deg F
Units RH = %
Units WS_mph = miles/hour
Units WindDir = degrees
Units WC_F = Deg F
Units TdF = Deg F
'//////////////////////////////// D A T A  T A B L E S ///////////////////////////////////
'/////////////////////////////// M A I N  P R O G R A M //////////////////////////////////
    'Main Scan
        'Default Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement 'BattV'
        'Default Wiring Panel Temperature measurement 'PTemp_C'
        'CS106 Barometric Pressure Sensor measurement 'BP_inHg'
        If IfTime(59,60,Min) Then PortSet(1,1)
        If IfTime(0,60,Sec) Then
            BP_inHg = BP_inHg*0.02953
        'TE525/TE525WS Rain Gauge measurement 'Rain_in'
        'HC2S3 (constant power) Temperature & Relative Humidity Sensor measurements 'AirTF' and 'RH'
        If RH>100 AND RH<103 Then RH=100
        '05103 Wind Speed & Direction Sensor measurements 'WS_mph' and 'WindDir'
        If WindDir>=360 Then WindDir=0
        'Wind Chill calculation 'WC_F'
        If WC_F>AirTF OR WC_F=NAN Then WC_F=AirTF
        If AirTF>50 OR WS_mph<3 Then WC_F=AirTF
        '24 hour running total calculation 'Tot24'
        If IfTime(0,1440,Min) Then Tot24=0
        'Dew Point calculation 'TdF'
        If TdF>AirTC OR TdF=NAN Then TdF=AirTC
        'Call Data Tables and Store Data
        'Track current time
        'Calculate UTC Time for Wunderground Output
        TimeLong = Public.TimeStamp(1,1) - UTC_OFFSET
        UTCTime = TimeTable.TimeLong(4,4) 'yyyy/MM/dd hr:mm:ss
        UTCTime$ = Replace (UTCTime," ","+"):UTCTime$$ = Replace (UTCTime$,":","%3A")
        'Refer to for PWS upload protocol documentation
        'Change ID (yourid) and PASSWORD (yourpassword) to specific site settings
        PWSGetRequest="GET /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?ID=yourid&PASSWORD=yourpassword&dateutc="+UTCTime$$ +"&winddir="+FormatFloat(WindDir,"%0.2f") _
        +"&windspeedmph="+FormatFloat(WS_mph,"%0.2f")+"&humidity="+FormatFloat(RH,"%0.2f")+"&rainin="+FormatFloat(Rain_in,"%0.2f")+"&tempf=" _
        If Socket<>0 Then
            'Transmit GET request
            'Based on tests a legitimate User-Agent request-header field is required
            SerialOut(Socket,"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0"+CHR(13)+CHR(10),"",0,0)
            'Based on tests a Host request-header field is not required
            'Based on tests a final blank line (carriage return and line feed) is required
            'Capture the GET request response for debugging purposes
'//////////////////////////////////////// E N D //////////////////////////////////////////

Offline Audi

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2018, 01:50:21 AM »
I posted on the Campbell forum about this.
But i dont get an answer, i think because campbell sell a device to connect to the cr1000 to internet.
So they wont answer such a question about how to upload to wu without their device.
Or is it of that i cant get it to work? I need that device?
I thought i just need a .dat file which Wuhu takes care of to upload to wu, wow etc.?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 02:24:07 AM by Audi »

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2018, 02:02:00 AM »
Ideally i need a working .dat file from another Wuhu user with a cr1000 so i can run it on mine and adjust from there....
The cr1000 is connected with serial to usb on my pc.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 02:45:48 AM by Audi »

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2018, 03:22:50 AM »
here is the actual log from wuhu.
and a pic from the campbell output options.

Offline Jstx

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2018, 04:18:34 AM »
(having some file upload problems, trying again)
(I give up, simple txt file uploads are spawning a bunch of wxforum html lines? I'll wait a while, or send )
This file is a "HeavyWeather History File Format", a plain ".txt" file, may be similar to your 'Reply #6' above. Probably not much use to you.:

However, here is a working "currdata.lst" file I just copied from where WUHU finds it. It is loaded periodically by my PWS console interface program "Heavy Weather".
WUHU then reads it, processes it, and sends the (reformatted?) live data off to the internet WX sites like WU, CWOP, etc (whatever you have set up with an account, ID, password,etc) as an upload to post your live, string/packets, current WX readings. I think...?
Note that this "currdat.lst" file is probably the HW/LaCrosse equivalent to your "xxxx.dat" file, as a realtime data readings vehicle between your CR1000 datalogger and WUHU.
The WUHU setups for the different loggers/handlers must differ considerably in some ways. But they all do basically the same thing, whether a 'dat' or 'lst' or some other extension.
I opened in it "Wordpad", it seems to be a simple text file with all the PWS snapshot info.
My recent copied working "currdat.lst" file:
-- crap, see error message and new 'currdat.txt' upload below --

Some of the other stuff will have to wait, have to crash.

Crap: "An Error Has Occurred!
You cannot upload that type of file. The only allowed extensions are doc,gif,jpg,pdf,png,txt,zip,jpeg."
I'm going to rename it to currdat.txt, remember that it's actually "currdat.lst":

« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 04:47:36 AM by Jstx »

Offline Audi

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2018, 05:06:18 AM »

Thanks alot.
Maybe you can zip it?
Is it written in cr basic?
Thats what the cr1000 need.

below is a pic from the actual wuhu setup
« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 10:27:37 AM by Audi »

Offline Meteo Middelburg

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2019, 04:45:14 AM »

Its been a long time since posting about this subject.
I cant seem to find the. Dat examples youve posted over here.
Is it possible to post them again?


Offline Jstx

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2019, 01:04:30 AM »

Its been a long time since posting about this subject.
I cant seem to find the. Dat examples youve posted over here.
Is it possible to post them again?


Not sure if your question is for me or not, or if the following file I'll try to upload here is what you want.
This file is used by my WUHU-Heavy Weather programs with my LaCrosse PWS. The PWS console has been down for more than a day, so some readings/variable data is 'off'. If you just need formats and layout of the file it shouldn't matter.
From my explanation in a previous comment above:
"However, here is a working "currdata.lst" file I just copied from where WUHU finds it. It is loaded periodically by my PWS console interface program "Heavy Weather".
WUHU then reads it, processes it, and sends the (reformatted?) live data off to the internet WX sites like WU, CWOP, etc (whatever you have set up with an account, ID, password,etc) as an upload to post your live, string/packets, current WX readings. I think...?
Note that this "currdat.lst" file is probably the HW/LaCrosse equivalent to your "xxxx.dat" file, as a realtime data readings vehicle between your CR1000 datalogger and WUHU.
The WUHU setups for the different loggers/handlers must differ considerably in some ways. But they all do basically the same thing, whether a 'dat' or 'lst' or some other extension.
I opened in it "Wordpad", it seems to be a simple text file with all the PWS snapshot info."

Remember that this uploaded file name is actually different, had to 'Rename' it to a .txt file extension in order to upload to 'wxforum'.
I opened it using Windows "Wordpad", it opens as a .txt or a .lst OK.

[My system also has a "history.dat" file, but it's too large to upload; it stores years of WX data readings. I think under certain glitch conditions WUHU uses it to 'backfill' upload destination data interruptions, among other things.]

I'm going to rename it to "currdat.txt", remember that it's actually named "currdat.lst" in my system, and may be equivalent to your 'xxxx.dat' file. Or not?:

Offline Meteo Middelburg

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2019, 08:15:12 AM »

Thanks for your reply [tup]
Basically i need the .dat file which is running on the cr1000.
The program running inside the cr1000 which generate the data wuhu needs.


Offline Meteo Middelburg

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2019, 03:41:34 PM »

Anybody willing to share their. Dat crbasic example that works with wuhu so i can use it as a reference?


Offline Meteo Middelburg

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Re: CR1000 datalogger
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2019, 03:07:19 PM »
I finally got it working.
I see the resolution of the airpressure and rain is different then the other 0.1 resolution data.
The airpressure data is in steps of 0.3mb and the rain in 0.25mm .

Is there a setting in Wuhu where this can be changed?
I see other users (dont know if the use wuhu) on metoffice wow where the airpressure and rain resolution is in 0.1 decimals.


