Author Topic: They also make...  (Read 5480 times)

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Offline LFWX

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They also make...
« on: December 29, 2014, 02:55:08 PM »
Hydreon also makes an automatic wiper control system for vehicles.

I just received one as a Christmas gift, I'll let everyone know how well it works once I install it.

Installation on my car (2000 Toyota Solara) should be rather simple (Hot Side Switching), cut & splice into the low speed wire and tap into the high speed wire.

My mother's Buick has automatic wipers and I loved using them on a Cincinnati to Chicago trip several years ago. Never had to touch the controls in constantly changing rain and encounters with spray from semi-trucks! I originally thought I would need to scavenge parts from a junk yard Lexus to add this to my Toyota...until I discovered Hydreon made these.
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