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I will probably dabble a bit bit if it gets too messy,  I will not bother.

It's quite doable as a project and straightforward in principle, plus you can obviously do it in 2 stages (ie get the download working first and then make the wlk files) but there's a lot of detail to get exactly right. The download will be formatted as JSON and then the relevant fields need to be extracted and converted to binary and packed into the wlk file in exactly the right order/structure.

Good luck if you do try it.
Weather Web Site Help / Re: 6.95h PHP 8.3 UV dashboard errors
« Last post by saratogaWX on Today at 04:22:59 PM »
Check the Weather-Display settings.. maybe you are uploading an old ./cache/uv-forecast.php from 2023.
I note that the get-UV-forecast-inc.php script always has both headers and contents of the fetch from the site.

The 2023 version only has contents (no headers) so it is not coming from the script -- its coming from another source (maybe Weather-Display download and upload file?).
Get a weather radio. Mine has a very loud alarm for weather alerts.

Poster already has a weather radio and that's not the question
Yes, @Ivano I have the PT1000 sensors correctly set and calibrated. We checked with Pt100 class A them and the differences are not more than 0.03 deg.C in negative temperatures.

In general, the Barani shield gives a good performance when it is windy. When the wind dies down, it makes a sneeze like on any passive shield. Interestingly, even the Davis FARS24H has problems despite forced ventilation. It seemed that the "tube" would solve this, but the insulation is at a worse level than in the TS-100. It is also a different class of products.
Meteohub/Meteobridge / Re: Meteobridge to weatherlink via TCP/IP
« Last post by Mattk on Today at 04:02:06 PM »
More details, some queries to start

What specifically is the Meteobridge model?
What is the weather station?
How is the MB connected to the sensor data?
Where is the MB sending data to? 
cymbals are a musical instrument

Commento fuori luogo, inappropriato e irrispettoso, non tutti hanno padronanza della lingua ed è possibile vi siano lievi errori che, un utente dotato di attenzione e rispetto per il prossimo certamente è in grado di interpretare correttamente e perdonare.

ora traduciti questo e rispondi in italiano corretto  ;)

Weather Conditions Discussion / Re: Fall/Winter 2024-25
« Last post by ocala on Today at 03:17:18 PM »
I am 8.1 degrees below average for January so far. Its been pretty cold so far this month with more on the way this weekend.
WS3900 updated - all  [tup]
installed  - all [tup]
I will probably dabble a bit bit if it gets too messy,  I will not bother.

It would be nice to fill the gaps but no real need.

And thanks again for all you help.

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