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Weather Photography / Sunspots In Motion
« Last post by gwwilk on Today at 11:27:12 AM »
This video is impressive. Click the 'play' icon.

The origin of our current spectacular aurora borealis shows, and maybe of more to come.
The country you set affects the radio frequency it uses. So if you are in country that normally uses say 868MHz, but bought US spec kit Davis that operates at 915MHz, then you would have to "locate" your console in the USA for it to pick up your US spec transmitter.
Well, it turned out that the "Country" setting under "Account Information" in the console has to be set to "United States of America" even if the station is located in some other country... which it is... so I've set it to USA and the console started communicating with the station. Thanks to Scaled Instruments for helping with this issue.
Thank  you.  I hadn't heard about it.  Will check it out.
Thanks again. Dale
If you want a free animator, use Windows Clipchamp, which replaced Movie Maker a few years ago. Just import the images and save them as a movie file.
Very good. And now we know and can sleep soundly at night :)

The trick is to keep it that way.

I have a GW1000 that had an Absolute offset = 0. It didn't stay that way. It requires periodic adjustments, but it drifts the least of my barometers, maybe only 0.2 hPa or so.

I asked Dr. Burch about long term drift of barometers and his answer was a bit surprising. He said that contrary to what the printed specs might say, in his experience of calibrating and tracking several dozen barometers over long periods of time, is that barometers do not drift in a straight line.

They can also drift back.

He also said that if you compare two identical high-end barometers, one might drift a lot, yet the other one, hardly budges.

You never know unless you check.
no idea - probably unexpectedly well sold ...
however, if you can't wait and don't mind a 20 EUR higher price, you could try the Ecowitt Store at AliExpress
with all available vouchers applied you can come down to 100 EUR including shipping and all import taxes included.

I have a bigger order (ca 500EUR including post + TAX+ VAT) planned - with AC1100 being the main reason for the order at all...  The WS 3900, besides being a monitor for rest of the family, would also be the receiver for the IoT things...
Well I'm in no big hurry, would love to get it before next winter though as going to use the IoT to control heating in cellar.
a little review of the Essence3 / WS85 sensor array has been added to the WiKi
Oh boy...

I messed something up.  I uploaded the new files.  The wx_lvn_noaaPP.php is working fine.

The wx_lvn_noaaD.php is now throwing the following errors.

Code: [Select]
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/weather/public_html/wsfct4/wsIncNoaaDCreate.php on line 388

Warning: Undefined array key "humidity" in /home/weather/public_html/wsfct4/wsIncNoaaDCreate.php on line 390

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/weather/public_html/wsfct4/wsIncNoaaDCreate.php on line 390

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/weather/public_html/wsfct4/wsIncNoaaDCreate.php on line 390

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string + string in /home/weather/public_html/wsfct4/wsIncNoaaDCreate.php:623 Stack trace: #0 /home/weather/public_html/wsfct4/wsIncNoaaDHtml4.php(76): include_once() #1 /home/weather/public_html/wsfct4/wsFctNoaaDPage4.php(183): include_once('/home/weather/p...') #2 /home/weather/public_html/wx_lvn_noaaD.php(57): include('/home/weather/p...') #3 {main} thrown in /home/weather/public_html/wsfct4/wsIncNoaaDCreate.php on line 623

What did I mess up now?

Thank you in advance!

Certainly not your problem.
There seems to be a hosting-problem on my side. The version you downloaded was an old version

I removed old versions and put online a version dated 2024-05-02.
There are only one script you need to update wsIncNoaaDCreate.php

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