Author Topic: MySql Query on MeteoBridge is DAVIS VANTAGE station  (Read 553 times)

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Offline teissierducros

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MySql Query on MeteoBridge is DAVIS VANTAGE station
« on: August 26, 2022, 12:26:33 PM »
I have an issue, I manage to create the database and the right table but I don't manage to write date from my weather station. I have followed instriction from this page but still don't manage :
This query writes in the table :
INSERT INTO station_meteo_parc2 ( ID, DateTime, TempOutCur, HumOutCur, TempInCur, HumInCur ) VALUES (NULL, '[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD] [hh]:[mm]:[ss]', '54.7', '78', '30.24', '48')
 but when I had the sensor name I don't get anything in return. Here is an example with this query :
INSERT INTO station_meteo_parc2 ( ID, DateTime, TempOutCur, HumOutCur, TempInCur, HumInCur ) VALUES (NULL, '[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD] [hh]:[mm]:[ss]', '[th0temp-act]', '21', '30.24', '48')
Mysql upload fails and I get this message : "ns_meteo_merpins`.`station_meteo_parc2`.`TempOutCur` at row 1 (no more tries): <BR>')">"
Please can you help with the synthaxe in the query to get the proper upload?
Thank you a lot.

