Weather Station Hardware > Oregon Scientific Hardware
WMR 300 - Wind Sensor reading erratically
Has anyone had issues with their WMR 300 wind sensor reading erratically? Mine has started reading at a stand still gusts up to 50 & 60 mph and I have had to reset the transmitter multiple times to reset it to clear the erroneous information and a few weeks later it is reading high again.
Secondly, is there anywhere to purchase replacement parts if my sensor has gone bad?
Has anyone replaced theirs out with a non-Oregon Scientific model and how has it faired?
I have been experiencing a similar issue. Gust up to 50 - 60 mph for periods then return to working fine.
Did you ever find a solution?
Nope, I would reboot the system and it would work for awhile and then I would suddenly find that I am seeing gale force winds being noted by the wind speed indicator. So, I unplugged it and tried to find a new one, but they are no where to be found.
Thanks. Finally replaced whole station with Vantage Pro 2 which now works fine.
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