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Mid section out of wack, display issue


So the easiest way for me to explain is to take a look at pennlake.us
Thanks for any help!

I think it's caused by having no data for $dateoflastrainalways = '---';  in testtags.php ..
so it causes the errata
--- Quote ---Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /home/hogan2/pennlake.us/ajax-dashboard6.php on line 2974
Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home/hogan2/pennlake.us/ajax-dashboard6.php on line 2977

--- End quote ---

Change ajax-dashboard6.php
--- Quote ---#error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_WARNING);

--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_WARNING);

--- End quote ---
to squelch that error display.

Thanks Kenn - Finally got around to making the correction and it works!!!

Again thanks!!

Ken do you think this has anything to do with my wd NOAa report not updating? I did make a post in the wd section but I am just wondering if this could be related?


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