Weather Station Hardware > Weather Station Pictures
My highly modified Davis station
I finally got around to re-building my station. I modified the station to transmit 1/2 mile between the ISS and my console. I relocated the station to a remote area on my ranch next to my garden and orchard and everything is solar powered. I have been running it for a month with no big issues so far. For a detailed tour of the station go to my blog; To see the website in action go to
I'm running a Raspberry Pi 3 and Weewx software with the Belchertown skin. I also have a web cam set up to provide a short time lapse view. I have been using Weewx for nearly a year and it has proven to be very robust and easy to manipulate. I finally figured out the database scheme, but I still have issues trying to edit out bad data. I suppose I'll eventually get it figured out.
Today was the first official day to start a new database after all the testing etc., so there is not much to see at the moment. Hopefully I can keep everything running smoothly in the future.
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I don't have a clue as to why my photograph is sideways. I'm too tired and computered out to mess with it. LOL
Very nice set up. Great mods to make things work for you. Very clean website.
Great looking website! Can you provide any info on how you put together your website? I don't currently operate one, but am starting to look into it. Thanks or any info you can share.
--- Quote from: TMThomson on November 01, 2022, 11:20:06 AM ---Great looking website! Can you provide any info on how you put together your website? I don't currently operate one, but am starting to look into it. Thanks or any info you can share.
--- End quote ---
Looks like it's just weewx plus the Belchertown skin. Hundreds of folks run the same (great) setup. Thousands run weewx.
Weewx docs start at - The FAQ is at and the wiki is at if you wanted more info. The primary source of help is the weewx-user google group at
Given a little Linux expertise it's about a 5 minute thing to set up weewx locally if you have any kind of unix/linux capable computer like a pi or better.
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