Weather Software > WUHU software
CR1000 datalogger
(having some file upload problems, trying again)
(I give up, simple txt file uploads are spawning a bunch of wxforum html lines? I'll wait a while, or send )
This file is a "HeavyWeather History File Format", a plain ".txt" file, may be similar to your 'Reply #6' above. Probably not much use to you.:
However, here is a working "currdata.lst" file I just copied from where WUHU finds it. It is loaded periodically by my PWS console interface program "Heavy Weather".
WUHU then reads it, processes it, and sends the (reformatted?) live data off to the internet WX sites like WU, CWOP, etc (whatever you have set up with an account, ID, password,etc) as an upload to post your live, string/packets, current WX readings. I think...?
Note that this "currdat.lst" file is probably the HW/LaCrosse equivalent to your "xxxx.dat" file, as a realtime data readings vehicle between your CR1000 datalogger and WUHU.
The WUHU setups for the different loggers/handlers must differ considerably in some ways. But they all do basically the same thing, whether a 'dat' or 'lst' or some other extension.
I opened in it "Wordpad", it seems to be a simple text file with all the PWS snapshot info.
My recent copied working "currdat.lst" file:
-- crap, see error message and new 'currdat.txt' upload below --
Some of the other stuff will have to wait, have to crash.
Crap: "An Error Has Occurred!
You cannot upload that type of file. The only allowed extensions are doc,gif,jpg,pdf,png,txt,zip,jpeg."
I'm going to rename it to currdat.txt, remember that it's actually "currdat.lst":
Thanks alot.
Maybe you can zip it?
Is it written in cr basic?
Thats what the cr1000 need.
below is a pic from the actual wuhu setup
Meteo Middelburg:
Its been a long time since posting about this subject.
I cant seem to find the. Dat examples youve posted over here.
Is it possible to post them again?
--- Quote from: Meteo Middelburg on September 10, 2019, 04:45:14 AM ---Hi,
Its been a long time since posting about this subject.
I cant seem to find the. Dat examples youve posted over here.
Is it possible to post them again?
--- End quote ---
Not sure if your question is for me or not, or if the following file I'll try to upload here is what you want.
This file is used by my WUHU-Heavy Weather programs with my LaCrosse PWS. The PWS console has been down for more than a day, so some readings/variable data is 'off'. If you just need formats and layout of the file it shouldn't matter.
From my explanation in a previous comment above:
"However, here is a working "currdata.lst" file I just copied from where WUHU finds it. It is loaded periodically by my PWS console interface program "Heavy Weather".
WUHU then reads it, processes it, and sends the (reformatted?) live data off to the internet WX sites like WU, CWOP, etc (whatever you have set up with an account, ID, password,etc) as an upload to post your live, string/packets, current WX readings. I think...?
Note that this "currdat.lst" file is probably the HW/LaCrosse equivalent to your "xxxx.dat" file, as a realtime data readings vehicle between your CR1000 datalogger and WUHU.
The WUHU setups for the different loggers/handlers must differ considerably in some ways. But they all do basically the same thing, whether a 'dat' or 'lst' or some other extension.
I opened in it "Wordpad", it seems to be a simple text file with all the PWS snapshot info."
Remember that this uploaded file name is actually different, had to 'Rename' it to a .txt file extension in order to upload to 'wxforum'.
I opened it using Windows "Wordpad", it opens as a .txt or a .lst OK.
[My system also has a "history.dat" file, but it's too large to upload; it stores years of WX data readings. I think under certain glitch conditions WUHU uses it to 'backfill' upload destination data interruptions, among other things.]
I'm going to rename it to "currdat.txt", remember that it's actually named "currdat.lst" in my system, and may be equivalent to your 'xxxx.dat' file. Or not?:
Meteo Middelburg:
Thanks for your reply [tup]
Basically i need the .dat file which is running on the cr1000.
The program running inside the cr1000 which generate the data wuhu needs.
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