Weather Station Hardware > Boltek/NexStorm Lightning Detectors

Anyone using Lightning 2k from now closed down Aninoquisi with their Boltek?

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I use my Boltec LD-250 with a Blitzortung
i.e the aerial is used in parallel

I'm still running the Boltek StormTracker PCI card with Nexstorm.

Although StormTracker is now discontinued I'm sure this will last sometime before needing to upgrade.

I assume most of you are from New Zealand

Sorry, to hear that Mark passed, we used to exchange info and in the early years I would help with some debugging for him, especially right after Y2K (turn of the century changes).

I am using L2K with my Windows 7 Pro 32-bit system but am testing a Windows 7 Pro 64-bit environment and am having a problem getting the software installed. It goes through the steps fine but then there is no program entry in the Program listing, only the Help Shows up. I really would like to continue using it for the time being. It is suppose to run on 64-bit so was wondering if anyone had any advice.

I ran the last L2K v6.08 full install I had and then applied the last update I got.  If I try to run it direct from the Lightning.exe in the folder I get lots of error message, maybe I need some runtime stuff.  Any help would be appreciated.

Maybe try setting the compatibility windows settings ( right mouse click on the .exe )

I found the original installation instructions for L2K I got from Mark. I don't know if they'll help, but here ya go.

--- Code: ---(1) Run the "Setup_L2K_616" program to install Lightning/2000.
(2) You will be asked to supply this password during the installation:  xxxxxxxxx
(3) Unzip the file containing your background map into the folder where Lightning/2000 was installed on your computer.  (The default installation folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\Aninoquisi\Lightning2000.)
(4) Start Lightning/2000 for the first time.  Your background map will be installed automatically.
Note: It is possible, if you are running Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8, that you will have to run Lightning/2000 with administrator privileges.  See the user's manual (p. 22) for details.  You will only need to refer to this procedure if you encounter unusual problems when attempting to start Lightning/2000.
(5) Enable your lightning detection hardware by choosing "Options | Hardware..." from the main menu.  Check the "Enabled" box and choose the correct lightning detction hardware.
(6) You may select different default arrangements of windows by choosing "Window | Arrange" from the main menu.
That should be enough to get started.  Feel free to contact us at if you need to ask questions.

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