If you remember a few of my earlier posts,
you know that I was all over my residence last year finding the one "sweet spot" for antenna placement...
I'd also thought very little EMI was due to E field, inferring mostly H interference.
So this week I got ahold of a Trifield 100XE, more or less for the heck of it...
(If you know any Paranormal Ghosthunters, this is one model "they use to detect ghosts".
Maybe you can borrow one)
Notwithstanding any 'accuracy' or "professional" cross checks, using it only as a reference,
and during the particular times of day that I did 3 'Spook Checks',...
I detected zero E field anywhere near or in the area, unless the wife starts the older Nissan.
Or the Vacuum Cleaner (which drives the E meter nuts)...
Fired up the weedwacker for fun, and it spiked the Electrical also... .
But I've got H literally out the Ying-Yang, as I suspected.
60Hz, and harmonics, oddballs, heterodynes, Pulses, and Sines, etc..
Using numbers only as 'reference', not as 'accurate',
my antennas are sitting in the center of a 0.7 - 1.0 milligauss spot, about 4' square.
and the Noise Level View at that time:Any other areas exceed 1.0milligauss.
Stand there long enough with the meter near the antennas,
and watch the needle pulse when certain noise signals present. ...
Video of Meter Registering: http://www.ourspecialnet.com/Weather/TwinHollies/i-qggMRw4..and the Noise Level View at the time of the video:
No RF detected, and no E noticeable, at the times observed.
I did locate a previously 'unknown' spot that appears to consistently range 0.4 - 0.7 milligauss,
that may be convenient enough to locate to. Again, just utilizing the indication as "relative",...
relocating there should make a significant difference... at least on noise baseline.
Now, though very quickly done, and preliminary, this was interesting,
because it confirmed what I'd determined and inferred using the 'AM' radio method,
and experimenting with various locations for the Antennas... .
Also explains why shielding my 300mm X 7.5mm ferrite antennas made little or no difference in overall baseline noise.
I do know that shielding decreased my ability to identify certain vehicles which drive by on a regular schedule.
Obviously I'll make more observations... if spring ever returns...
On the other hand, there could be ghosts on this hillside... hope they leave my newly discovered
second sweet spot unhaunted.... hmmm...What about a "Shielded, Tightly Wound, Ferrite Cored Exorcist"?
Who ya gonna call?
Ain't this fun!