Weather Software > WeatherLink/ by Davis Instruments
CORRECTED Problem Loading WeatherLink
I tried to load 5.7.1 on my laptop. As soon as I started an error message poped up. Starts out; C:\DOCUME-1\my name\locals\temp550dd319-FD90-4F39-BC47-E2DDEEAE498D\isrt.dll. Could not be installed. Access denied.
I cleared the message and proceded to load 5.7.1. Seemed to take.
Then tried to load Wonder Weather WuiWlink_1.dll. Seemed to take except when I went to read the Read me File I got Access denied. Tried to uninstall 5.7.1 and start over. Access denied.
I must be missing some software or something. Any thoughts?
Decided not to us laptop....would only take ubs from data logger.
e machine laptop, wireless to DSL router
IE7 thru MSN prem
So far no luck. I might add that it's got SP2.
What if I remove XP home and reload?
Make sure you are using an administrator account to install your software. You probably are, but just in case... If you are an administrator, go to the folders you are getting an access denied error and change the permissions on the folder to let any user read and write to the directory. Hope this helps.
Are you getting a 'Windows setup (or maybe update)' file error as well as the 'Access denied' error?
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