Author Topic: OK, I've bought a few of these before...  (Read 1258 times)

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Offline BigOkie

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OK, I've bought a few of these before...
« on: April 30, 2013, 09:40:24 PM »
...but now I think I'm going to take the step and commit to buying a Davis, after years of saying I didn't really need it.

I was one of the TE923 owners who didn't really see the need for a Davis system.

Now, I have a little "disposable" income, and I'm looking into getting a Davis.

My initial choice now is the Davis 6153, but I will likely also pony up the money for the wireless transmitter (6332) for the anemometer as my yard setup will likely not allow for me to place the anemometer where it needs to go and separate the rest of the ISS far enough away into the middle of my yard with just 40' of cable.

I thought about the less expensive Vue, but not being able to separate the anny from the ISS was a deal-breaker for me.

I initially owned a Lacrosse 2310, then got the Honeywell TE923 and have had it now for almost six years, and aside from faulty UV sensors (which I really don't need and if I do with this setup I can always buy the UV and/or solar later) it has been a workhorse for me.

Also, I'm very interested in using Meteohub for my weather station software, I'd like to reduce my electric bill and my 180W always on PC vs the 5W SheevaPlug was also attractive.  Do I need the data logger for this, or will it pick up the data without one?

I'd like to hear from anyone with any of these (The Davis unit with the wireless anny setup, and any of you using a Davis with Meteohub) and how you like them, along with any words of advice.

You guys are a constant source of information; thanks for all that you do here.

Here's what my yard setup looks like:

Current setup: Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus Wireless
Weather radios:
Reecom R-1650
Sangean CL-100
Uniden Home Patrol I

