General Weather/Earth Sciences Topics > Weather Folklore
October the Tenth Month
I read this today and learned something! :-k
In the ancient Roman calendar, October was the name of the eighth month of the year. Its name comes from octo, the Latin word for “eight.” When the Romans converted to a 12-month calendar, they tried to rename this month after various Roman emperors, but the name October stuck.
In Old England, the month was called Winmonath, which means “wine month,” for this was the time of year when wine was made. The English also called it Winterfylleth, or “winter full Moon.” They considered this full Moon to be the start of winter.
In weather lore, “If October brings heavy frosts and winds, then will January and February be mild.”
The chill of a moderate frost or light snow improves the flavor of brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, kale, leeks, parsnips, and turnips.
Wrap apples and pears in paper before storing. See root cellar tips.
Don’t wash potatoes until right before use.
I learned from that as well. The Latin words for 7 through 10, septem octo novem and decem respectively. They have them all 2 months behind.
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