General Weather/Earth Sciences Topics > Weather Folklore

This Weeks Full Moon

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   This is from The Full Moon this week has a special name accorrding to folklore. It is called the "Sprouting Grass" Moon because it shines down on the new grass of Spring.  Go to for more.
    For fun it says to go outside after it gets dark and see if the grass looks blue or green. 


--- Quote from: Downlinerz2 on April 27, 2010, 10:16:32 PM ---   This is from The Full Moon this week has a special name accorrding to folklore. It is called the "Sprouting Grass" Moon because it shines down on the new grass of Spring.  Go to for more.
    For fun it says to go outside after it gets dark and see if the grass looks blue or green. 

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Ours looks brown because of the lack of rain. ;)


--- Quote from: DanS on April 27, 2010, 10:51:49 PM ---Ours looks brown because of the lack of rain. ;)

--- End quote ---
    I know how that is.  But mine is getting better after 2+ inches of rain over the weekend and early part of this week.

I saw a really cool moon last night.  It was just a sliver of a moon, but it was huge.  It was not long after dark. The color was a dark orange.  I have never seen a moon quite like this. What does it mean?

    The Moon appears orange as a result of dust in the atmosphere.  This causes scattering of the light making it "appear" orange. The same phenomena occurrs during a Lunar Eclipse.  When the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon the light passes through the Earth's atmosphere. I took the picture below of a Total Lunar Eclipse through my telescope.  It was 17 Aug 1989.  It had a very orange color even more than this image indicates.  I had to crop it down so I could attach it here.


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