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Pay Attention to your Web Host Promo Messages...


Cutty Sark Sailor:
... sometimes you can pull of a real deal. 
One year left on my current package.  Renews in Nov 2024.   
Received promo offering upgrade.   
Checked it out.   
More Resources, 3 year renewal.
 My cost? After the credit on current package:  $30.
 :-k   hmmm... what to do...?
  ...increasing resources for one year, and getting 2 additional years server, increased power, for $30 bucks?
 :-k $30, increased resources, expires Nov 2026?
 :-k ...instead of maybe ±$300 renewing the old, less resources, 3 yr package  when it would have come due next year? 

 :idea: Well...Shucks!
...talk about a 'no brainer'... #-o \:D/


Curious about your 'WU FREE' part of your logo, I clicked and found the most impressive 'About' page I've come across. Nice website.

Cutty Sark Sailor:

--- Quote from: Cienega32 on November 09, 2023, 03:58:40 PM ---[OFF-TOPIC]

Curious about your 'WU FREE' part of your logo, I clicked and found the most impressive 'About' page I've come across. Nice website.

--- End quote ---
Well, thanks... that 'about' page, especially the 'hardware' part, needs dramatic updating.  As do many other pages... getting older and slowing down with priorities moving to different  'to do' 'lists', you know.... 

Same here other than too many (web site) priorities moving to the dusty "Ahhh, so what...do it another day" list.  :roll:


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