Weather Station Hardware > Weather Web Cams

Opinions Wanted

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Mark / Ohio:
That's neat!

I'll look again tomorrow if I get a chance.  With my slow dialup connection I got a bit lost and pointed into total darkness for a minute.  But I have it showing the lights again now for the next visitor.  :lol:

That would require a weather enclosure with heat and cooling if say I would put one like it on my antenna tower right?


--- Quote ---That would require a weather enclosure with heat and cooling if say I would put one like it on my antenna tower right?
--- End quote ---

That it would. It isn't weatherproof by any means. Even has a nice little sticker on the side that says indoor use only, but where it is mounted right now it's pretty safe. I have a feeling I'm going to end up getting something along the lines of this BB-HCM381A and get an outdoor enclosure for it.

I do however just for grins have one of these USB Color Camera with Pan / Tilt on the way because my current Logitech 4000 is all but dead after being exposed to the sun for 2 years.

Mark / Ohio:
I looked at again in daylight.  Saw some birds and leaves needing raked up.  Looks like my yard.   :lol:

It was a touch fuzzy and faded with the sun but not bad once I adjusted the brightness to whatever it was I wanted to focus in on.  Looks like it would be great for a weather cam.  But if you wanted to identify bird species it would need to be a little sharper and better colors.   :wink:

I'm a bit surprised how well it is working with a 28K dial up 3.3Kb avg. transfer rate.  I've been on commercial cams that the image would break up and I had trouble operating the controls.  But yours is running real smooth with no breakup in the image.  I just see a thin refresh line come down the image as it updates.

up10ad N9RJH:
That's a nice image and really interesting control set, especially for the price.  It auto-iris well to compensate for light conditions, and if it is overexposed you can always adjust it with the on-screen control.  

The one thing I'm not very fond of is the necessity to download an Active-X control to view it.  I much prefer a Javascript solution, and many folks sinply won't use Active-X.

For the $ it seems pretty nice.  If you are serious about the BB-HCM381A and spending that kind of cash for a PTZ and enclosure, take a look at the Canon VB-C50iR as well.  You can see it in action here


--- Quote from: "k6dyc" ---The one thing I'm not very fond of is the necessity to download an Active-X control to view it.  I much prefer a Javascript solution, and many folks sinply won't use
--- End quote ---

I could view it with FireFox, which of course doesn't use ActiveX--probably getting a motion jpeg push (MJPEG) instead...

That's always been a main criteria for me with any video cams, it cannot require ActiveX or IE...

The only annoying thing to me is that the entire interface redraws when you pick a preset, or change a setting--rather than just the video image itself (at least in FireFox...).


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