Weather Station Hardware > Weather Web Cams

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I'm trying out a new wireless network cam. Still haven't decided if I want to keep it or spend some $$ and get one of the higher end models. If you wouldn't mind giving your opinion I'd appreciate it. It's running in wireless mode on my front porch so it may take a second to connect.

KCWX Net Cam

username is netcam
password is password

I don't know anything about cams you'll have to wait on some discerning eyes for that, but I think the pic is awesome and I never saw a user interface like that before, very nice.


--- Quote from: "NoQuitters" ---I'm trying out a new wireless network cam. Still haven't decided if I want to keep it or spend some $$ and get one of the higher end models. If you wouldn't mind giving your opinion I'd appreciate it. It's running in wireless mode on my front porch so it may take a second to connect.
--- End quote ---

You didn't mention the camera make or model. I haven't seen the day picture yet but the low light performance isn't very good at the current settings. There is way too much chroma noise. Does the camera have a "slow shutter" option? The UI looks good. Update speed is good. You must have a big pipe to the internet.

Camera is a Panasonic Panasonic BL-C30A Didn't want to break the bank if I couldn't get the wireless option to work well outside. Low light images do leave a lot to be desired but other than that it seems to do alright. It does have 10x digital zoom which is ok but get's real grainy at anything past 2.

As for the "big pipe" it's just business class DSL. 4 mbs down and around 775 to 1 up. One of the perks for being the system admin for 5 locations that all use the same internet service. :wink:

I have it's wired cousin, the Panasonic BL-C10A as my (indoor mounted) netcam.

Rather than having folks access the cam directly (and move the view from the only portal through the trees in front), I have Image Salsa download a high-quality 320x240 image once a second, and stamp it with the weather/time info.  Folks who access the image on the netcam page have a javascript refresh the image once a second from the Image Salsa webserver (with a port punched through the hardware firewall).  Image Salsa also provides a 120x90px thumbnail for my home page, uploaded by Image Salsa every 15 seconds.

My netcam was a bit less expensive (no wireless).  I'd prefer a sharper focus (or a focus adjustment), and the camera washes out against the clouds v.s. blue sky sometimes.  Otherwise, for under $200, it's not a bad little camera.

Best regards,


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