Some if not all of the "puzzle pieces" can be found in that thread. I was able to add my camera to my Weatherbridge and also how to add an overlay with data from my sensors based on the information in that one thread. I have added the link (final product) to Ambient and am waiting for it to be approved, hopefully tomorrow morning some time.
The first step is in the first post of that thread. You have to add the URL to where your camera jpeg images are going in the box on the "Weather Station" tab of your Meteobridge.
Unfortunately, I can't help with that. My camera is a NEST camera so I had to follow this process to get the URL: that thread you posted the link to, there are post about another Reolink camera and a link. Check out post #29 & #32. That might be a good start to figure out what the URL would be for your camera.
once you figure that out (you will get a green checkmark just like in the pic on the thread) the next step is in the second post. This would be the Weather Network tab in the Meteobridge software. As far as the overlay text box, I started out by cutting and pasting what Galfert posted. The dimensions of my photos were very different so there was a lot of trial and error. I don't know squat about how to format that info so I just changed things a little at a time and figured it out. Once that is all done the way you want, you use the new link from the meteobridge hosting service with the overlay on it to add your cam to weather pages such as Ambient.
The image coming from my cam is in the 6th post of this thread: