That is definatley possible when you understand just how the Davis rain rate is calculated as opposed to straight amount after an hour
Maybe in a tropical climate, hurricane, or supercell thunderstorm..
That's more than double of what my see-saw tipper has ever recorded. It would also point straight toward the excessive rainfall totals that were being recorded, it was tipping too fast.
No, not at all.
As I mentioned the only way to actually get a handle on these Spoons that supposedly have an issue is to properly analyze them, sending them back to a dealer will typically achieve nothing.
Like the Vue ISS spoon mechanism it was not to bad either but what could and did happen with the Vue if the debris screen went missing which it often did and with the quite large open hole just above the spoon then in heavy large droplet rainfall the spoon often took direct hits which caused the spoon to stutter hence overly record. Generally the comment was, rain gauge is stuffed, simple problem was, maintenance was stuffed. Anyway this scenario doesn't occur with the VP2 spoon.
And frankly the first of the VP/VP2 tippers were bad compared to the original WMII tipper design, the so called silver coated tippers were even worse and there were lots of thoughts based on the factory calibration method being used.
The VP2 spoon is greatly improved over the mid term tippers and until I actually have one in my hands that highlights the issue then I will have to always ask the relevant questions.