I have been given some code that was custom written to have a Campbell Scientific CR300 read several sensors and then encapsulate the data table, and send it out over the RS232 port to be read by a WeeWx driver.
I'm modifying it for my own sensor packages, and then running it on a CR1000 to do the work before sending it to the WeeWx.
There is a piece that does the main tweaking, and what I'd like to do is find some way of seeing what the CR1000 is actually picking up, and formating to send over the Com Port.
Is there a way to look at the data string coming out of the CR1000, like watching it with TerraTerm or PuTTY? I know that there is a 'terminal' part of the PC400 software, but can't seem to get it to display the output as I was hoping.
when I fiddled with the RMYoung 28600 which I had generate an output string with the values I needed, the concatinate the string, I could 'watch' the output by attaching TerraTerm to the com port and seeing line by line the output.
Here is the basis of the code that I want to watch:
' send to PC
OutString = Mid(OutString,1,Len(OutString)-2)
OutString = "<" + OutString + ">"
SerialOut (COMRS232,OutString + CRLF,"",0,0)
I might not have something set up right, which is the whole point of testing, but can't seem to watch the output.
Is there something in PC400, or should having TerraTerm attach to the com port and watching work as I would like it?
PS. Enormous thanks to Craig Young, Crystal Lake Observatory for sharing the relavent parts of his working code.