yes, my station. That was understood.
Globe is a international project that submits all sorts of data from weather to contrails counting. For example, did you know that there are over 5,000 planes in the air at sometime (sum total, not all at the same time). These high altitude planes produce contrails, artificial clouds which do reflect sunlight back out into space. SO... the do have such a program.
It is to accumulate data and make it available to researchers around the world including kids doing high end scientific projects.
I went through the training and although I am listed as a school, they know I am not.
IF the person interested is looking for a "glory site", some place to post their data then this isn't the place. It is a scientific and percise procedure. The data has to be accurate. checks it for accuracy and will send it back if something is wrong.
As suggested by mulitple posts... I suggest that person contact and ask away.