Looks that way. As I recall there is at least one member (teacher) here that is sending data to them. Maybe he'll jump in.
I doubt as an individual rather then a teacher part of a school program you would qualify to be a member.
you have to go through their protocol training.. each state has a coordinator.. contact globe.gov and ask them who . contact that person and see when there is a training and go to it.. it is simple no tests and you get a heck of a manual.
The data has to be sent just so or their computers barf it back to you. I send mine 4 times a day via Weatherdisplay . I had to go to their computers and set my soil type and structure, ( ah.. it looks back and brown), estimate the sand, humus and clay composition, make sure my sensors were at the correct depths in cm, and the geographic coordinates of where the sensors were. It isn't just sending atomospheric data and being done with it, because the data is used by the scientific community as well as schools. Then the computers have to verify it and so on until the computers take the data the software is sending.
You can cut and paste it into an email at data@globe.gov and send it, but you have to have a station name and password .. if you get one, weatherlink will insert it into your cut and paste ... it is then saved as a text message, you have to select the whole thing, cut or copy and paste it into an email and send it.
Weatherdisplay does that automatically and as I said above, it sends 7 hours of data (you can select how often and how much )4 times a day andI get the data back to let me know that it was sent correctly. That is a lot of data .
However, you do need to take the training because it is scientific data and I did it and I wasn't teaching at the time. I went over to the Iowa Academy of Science meeting, went to the globe training session, did the training. Globe realizes that the station isn't at a school, although it is listed in their database as one ... Dsmweather.....and takes the data.
As I said, contact globe... help@globe.gov ask who your state coordinator is, then contact that person about obtaining training to send soil data as well as atmospheric data (the software prepares both for you and one helps the other) from your automatic weather station. and go to the training.