Author Topic: Cumulus MX newbie here  (Read 654 times)

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Offline Potterne weather

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Cumulus MX newbie here
« on: January 19, 2025, 03:24:45 PM »
Hi all

A few years ago I used to run the original version of cumulus, and for about 6 years although collecting weather data I’m back on the scene again. I thought new station new software, I downloaded mx and I’m lost. I downloaded net8 and can’t seem to see a program file and when I make a shortcut from the link in one of the screens, save as short cut next day it says not recognised, is there a total idiots guide as I think I need it

Offline saratogaWX

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Re: Cumulus MX newbie here
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2025, 04:02:36 PM »
You didn't say which Operating system you're using, but I'm assuming it's Windows (based on the original Cumulus which was Windows-only).

Try using the guide at for installation,

I have the CumulusMX distribution .zip in c:\CumulusMX directory (not in Program Files or Program Files(x64)).

On the first run, Windows will maybe challenge you with a black "Do you want to run" dialog.. say "Run Anyway" and it won't ask again until the CumulusMX.exe file is next updated.  It may then challenge with the normal "Run this?" and you say yes.
It will then open a cmd window and CumulusMX will start running and you can configure it using http://localhost:8998/ in your browser.

I hope this helps...
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
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Offline PaulMy

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Re: Cumulus MX newbie here
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2025, 04:04:26 PM »
I presume you are trying to add and run it on a Windows PC, and you have Net8 on it.
My approach:
1. Likely you have already done it, but download the latest version zip and unzip in a new folder C:\CumulusMX-NewVersionDownloads and it should then have a folder C:\CumulusMX-NewVersionDownloads\CumulusMXdist4070 with all the files and folders in it.  Any futures updates would also go in this folder and would have the file name with the new version.
2. Make another new folder C:\CumulusMX which will be your running folder.
3. Copy in all the files and folders from the C:\CumulusMX-NewVersionDownloads\CumulusMXdist4070 to this other C:\CumulusMX folders so all the unzipped files and folders are now also in C:\CumulusMX
4. You can now start CumulusMX in File Explorer by going to the C:\CumulusMX folder and right-click on the file CumulusMX.exe and select Run as Administrator.

If you have an existing CU1 or CMX with data then you can copy-in the previous version's Cumulus.ini (configuration file), the \data and \Reports and you're all set.

Possibly some more details needed in your install, but that is the basics.


« Last Edit: January 19, 2025, 04:07:11 PM by PaulMy »

Offline Potterne weather

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Re: Cumulus MX newbie here
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2025, 05:56:41 PM »
Hi, that’s great,thankyou both very much for the help I’m up and running, I copied the link to my site to my iPad so I can view, but noticed when the laptop is switched off it stops working, is there a way of having this running without the laptop being on, many thanks
« Last Edit: January 19, 2025, 06:01:52 PM by Potterne weather »

Offline saratogaWX

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Re: Cumulus MX newbie here
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2025, 06:06:01 PM »
Umm, no... the laptop would have to be running (not in sleep mode) to run CumulusMX (or any other Windows weather software).
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
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Offline R.Sidetrack

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Re: Cumulus MX newbie here
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2025, 07:20:53 PM »
... is there a way of having this running without the laptop being on

While your current Windows installation requires the laptop to be 'on', an alternative that some use is to install CumulusMX on a Raspberry Pi.  The Pi are small, single board computers that draw very little power, although the Pi would also have to be 'on' 24/7. Pi don't need a permanent monitor or keyboard etc so they take only small space. CumulusMX even offers a customized download just for the Pi.

Note that the Pi version of CumulusMX is not on Windows, its on Raspbian OS which is a version of Linux.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2025, 07:29:51 PM by R.Sidetrack »

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Offline Vasco

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Re: Cumulus MX newbie here
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2025, 07:38:39 PM »
I don't run Cumulus but I currently run Weather Display on a refurbished (i.e. cheap) SFF Windows machine that has now been running 24/7 for 5 years. No monitor or keyboard, I use TeamViewer for remote control from my desktop.
Ecowitt GW1102 (with GW2000) + Weather Display in Windows 10

