Hi All,
Just thought I'd chime in here as a iMac user that struggled as a new weather station hobbyist to find a weather software option that ticked the boxes for me. I'd tried another of the popular ones listed in this section as suitable for macOS as a paid app, but found that particular one confusing, clunky and... well, a bit ugly-looking to be honest. I'm not here to sling mud at other person's hard work though, I just really wanted something else (!)
So I'm writing to say that
CumulusMX v4.2.1 (b4043) is available as a free download and I must say that it works beautifully on macOS- especially when paired with a Davis WeatherLink Live and a WeatherLink Pro Account. Steelseries Gauges, Charts, Reports, Uploads, Alarms and let's not forget to mention the 2.5 second wind readings (!) this has it all! I'm yet to delve into the world of creating my own website, but it appears that this is entirely possible too.
For those looking to use CumulusMX with macOS, first you're going to need to download a .NET (DOTNET) 8.0 installer, so at a bare minimum you'll need macOS Catalina 10.15.0 to be able to install and run this. (The very last of the Catalina updates was 10:15.7) This latest .NET 8.0 version simply won't run on any previous macOS... I found this out first-hand because I have repurposed an old 27" 2013 iMac desktop that 'died' suddenly about 18 months ago and we still had it sitting around 'broken'. (Fun Fact: I'd been forced to completely wipe this iMac to even get it to start up again (!) so in doing that was sent all the way back to macOS Mavericks 10.8.5 days- which understandably fell waaaay short of requirements!

) I'm pleased to say though, it has now been reborn

and is enjoying its second life as a dedicated weather computer! (Took me a couple of days worth of downloading and re-installing macOS updates though...

Some links:
*Cumulus Software Wiki here:
https://cumuluswiki.org/a/Software *DOTNET 8 download here:
https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/8.0 *CumulusMX installation guide here:
https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=22051The installation instructions are pretty straight forward even for non-programmers such as me who'd literally never even seen Terminal before let alone use a command! (Although this is changing... I think I'm definitely catching the 'bug'! I've already figured out how to customise the gauges to my liking and I've even fixed a spelling mistake in chart text that I spotted...

**One final note: The only issue I've ever had was when my iMac went into 'sleep' mode overnight and for some reason I'd get random chunks of data missing of up to 40 minutes sometimes. Usually this seemed to trigger whenever I was using the WeatherLink App to check into my WLL in 'Live' mode in bed late at night maybe (?) Not sure what was going on there to be honest (?) WeatherLink via API would populate some data again in the morning whenever I'd check in, but only up to the latest data loss, not between the earlier 'gaps' if that makes sense? This was completely fixed however by using the 'caffeinate' command in Terminal i.e ~ %
caffeinate -i dotnet cumulusmx.dll as an example. This keeps it running pretty much forever though, so may not be for everyone who is not using theirs as a dedicated weather computer.
Anyway, thanks for listening and I'm hoping this helps somebody somewhere enjoy running CumulusMX on macOS as much as I have so far.
Best of luck!
(EDIT: Changed thread title to Cumulus Version 4 as multiple updates have been released now since original post.)