Author Topic: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!  (Read 82632 times)

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Offline GaryGo

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #650 on: November 02, 2024, 08:34:21 AM »
For example, the forecast high and low temperatures are standard tile options if you check through the list of selectable tiles.
Thanks johnd, that's what I did. I would just add for IslandObserver that it takes some trial and error to set up a tile layout that looks nice. I have a attached a screenshot.

Davis Vantage Vue 6357 w/console 6313, Basic plan, 3/3/24-present.
Acurite Pro 02064C/999143, 2016-2024.

Offline IslandObserver

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #651 on: November 02, 2024, 06:13:35 PM »
Thanks johnd and GaryGo - Hadn't noticed the forecast T tile option.
Davis Pro V2 Station with Weatherlink Console
Located on dock on SE Bowyer Island

Offline Mapantz

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #652 on: November 21, 2024, 08:47:38 AM »
Had a powercut earlier. The console didn't even last 1 minute on battery before it died.

Offline IslandObserver

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #653 on: November 22, 2024, 05:04:40 PM »
Yikes - You'd think the battery would last longer than that!

Davis Pro V2 Station with Weatherlink Console
Located on dock on SE Bowyer Island

Offline Mapantz

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #654 on: November 22, 2024, 05:25:25 PM »
Yikes - You'd think the battery would last longer than that!

The problem is, the batteries in these devices will degrade very quickly due to several things. Being that mains power is plugged in, it's constantly keeping the battery at 100% charge, that's a quick way to degrade a Li-on battery.
Another is heat - my console is always very warm (it gets red hot in the Summer) and that's not good for Li-on batteries either.

Companies who make phone batteries are coming up with ways to be able to charge batteries fast and faster, but also keep heat at a minimum, to preserve the life of the battery. And of course, they recommend only charging to 80% - hence modern Android devices have that option in the settings.

Bearing all that in mind, I'm not surprised my battery died so quickly. Thankfully, I don't use it to upload any data, but Davis really didn't think it through when they decided to make a new weather console. For those who use it to send data to WeatherLink, they almost certainly need a UPS of some kind, because if the power goes out, and the battery dies within a couple of minutes, you're no longer logging the data coming from your sensor suite, and that's why the older console trumps the newer one.

If the console was simple just that - a way to display your weather - I could understand it. However, with all of the other stuff baked in, it is simply unacceptable to charge such a high price for such a flawed product.

If you don't want to lose data in the event of a powercut, you have to spend more money on buying stuff to keep it running for more than a couple of minutes. Absolutely absurd!

Offline IslandObserver

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #655 on: November 22, 2024, 07:39:41 PM »
If the 6313 Li-ion battery has failed already it's probably a warranty issue.  Most smart phones and tablets have developed charging algorithms that prevent such early failures.

On another note - I've been trying to figure out how to set an alarm that gives notifications to my phone.    Our weather station is at a remote cabin and I'd like to know when either high winds threaten our docks or low temperatures mean it's getting on time to drain the plumbing.

There is no way that I can see to have the console send remote notifications.   The console's audible alarms are of no use if you aren't there.   

The site might be a way to implement remote alarms but there is no functionality there. 

The Mobilize app only puts up a screen with a red flag if some sensor parameter is out of range from your set limits.  But this is of no use since there are no notifications, if you are looking at the app to see if there is an out of range flag, you might as well be looking at the data on the app so it adds no utility in this respect.

Time for more feedback / suggestions to Davis....

"Don't think that small groups can't change the world - they are the only reason that things have ever changed"
Davis Pro V2 Station with Weatherlink Console
Located on dock on SE Bowyer Island

Offline Shady_Acres

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #656 on: November 22, 2024, 09:29:39 PM »
If the 6313 Li-ion battery has failed already it's probably a warranty issue.  Most smart phones and tablets have developed charging algorithms that prevent such early failures.

On another note - I've been trying to figure out how to set an alarm that gives notifications to my phone.    Our weather station is at a remote cabin and I'd like to know when either high winds threaten our docks or low temperatures mean it's getting on time to drain the plumbing.

There is no way that I can see to have the console send remote notifications.   The console's audible alarms are of no use if you aren't there.   

The site might be a way to implement remote alarms but there is no functionality there. 

The Mobilize app only puts up a screen with a red flag if some sensor parameter is out of range from your set limits.  But this is of no use since there are no notifications, if you are looking at the app to see if there is an out of range flag, you might as well be looking at the data on the app so it adds no utility in this respect.

Time for more feedback / suggestions to Davis....

"Don't think that small groups can't change the world - they are the only reason that things have ever changed"
Hi Mate,

You are correct. The 6313 cannot offer remote alarm functionality. I work away from home often and found this out the hard way myself. So I ended up buying a 6100(AU) WeatherLink Live which has made the 6313 almost redundant. I pretty much only use the 6313 as a home display toy now.

For an application such as remote cabin monitoring, I highly recommend the 6100. It is basic, super reliable and offers the alarm functionality you are wanting. It also offers increased distances in radio transmission capability over the 6313 plus has good old-fashioned 'AA' cells as its battery backup! There is an ethernet port on-board or it can work over Wi-Fi... your choice. Random firmware update pushes with their resulting issues do not apply either. Nor is there a lithium ion battery in sight and the 'AA' battery backup voltage can even be monitored remotely via WeatherLink under 'Health Data'.

Hoping that helps in some way.


Shady Acres Wx.
(b. 23/04/24)

Hardware: Davis Vantage Vue + WeatherLink Console (6242AU Bundle) + WeatherLink Live (6100AU), Davis AirLink (7210USB)
Hardware (anemometer upgrade- construction pending): Davis Sensor Transmitter (6332AU), Davis Vantage Pro Anemometer (6410), Davis Rain Collector (6466M)

Software: Cumulus MX 4.3.3 b4070 on macOS via WeatherLink Live (6100AU)
WeatherLink: Pro Subscription

Offline IslandObserver

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #657 on: November 23, 2024, 12:08:45 AM »
Thanks Shady for confirming my suspicions that the 6313 Consoles do not have any way to do notifications.

You'd think that it would be easiest for Davis to add notifications to their Weatherlink ecosystem via the Weatherlink app as many phone apps do. Phone hardware is designed for just this kind of thing.

Davis Pro V2 Station with Weatherlink Console
Located on dock on SE Bowyer Island

Offline PaulMy

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #658 on: November 23, 2024, 11:35:21 AM »
On another note - I've been trying to figure out how to set an alarm that gives notifications to my phone.    Our weather station is at a remote cabin and I'd like to know when either high winds threaten our docks or low temperatures mean it's getting on time to drain the plumbing.

There is no way that I can see to have the console send remote notifications.   The console's audible alarms are of no use if you aren't there.   

The site might be a way to implement remote alarms but there is no functionality there.

I don't have the 6313 WLC and surprised if it is updating to it wouldn't be the same, as both my 6100 WLL and WeatherlinkIP updated accounts have settings for Console Email and Text/SMS Notifications
Set alarm conditions for the sensors connected to the Gateway.
Important: You must provide an email address for notification to be sent to in the notifications section.

I don't use them so can't comment on their notification details.


Offline IslandObserver

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #659 on: November 23, 2024, 01:41:19 PM »
Where do you find the notification settings on   I can't find anything like that.
Davis Pro V2 Station with Weatherlink Console
Located on dock on SE Bowyer Island

Offline PaulMy

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #660 on: November 23, 2024, 02:29:33 PM »
Screen captures attached:
KomokaWeather is my basic free account updated by IPLogger
KomokaWeather Live is my Pro account updated by Weatherlink Live.

If you don't have that Notification or Alarm, then it looks like with WLC updates is different.  Learn something every day :eek:


Offline IslandObserver

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #661 on: November 23, 2024, 02:54:36 PM »
Thanks Paul

Looks like you have to log into again from the wrench page to see that screen (strange way to do it - with no documentation about this).  I had no idea that area existed so thanks again for showing those screenshots.

However, with the 6313 Console there is no email upon alarm option, there is only a daily "Summary of System Alarms" email generated at whichever local device time you choose.  So not really notifications upon alarm condition.

The attached image shows the Weatherlink notification screen for my WL account associated with the 6313 Console.

So yes, the notifications available depend on the device associated with WL.

Cheers, Graham
Davis Pro V2 Station with Weatherlink Console
Located on dock on SE Bowyer Island

Offline Shady_Acres

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #662 on: November 23, 2024, 07:22:41 PM »
However, with the 6313 Console there is no email upon alarm option, there is only a daily "Summary of System Alarms" email generated at whichever local device time you choose.  So not really notifications upon alarm condition.

The attached image shows the Weatherlink notification screen for my WL account associated with the 6313 Console.

So yes, the notifications available depend on the device associated with WL.
Spot on!

A summary only is available with the 6313 WeatherLink Console. No remote alarms are possible as the functionality is missing completely on the page. (Maybe a future thing?)

However, in complete contrast, both my 6100 WeatherLink Live and 7210 AirLink devices do offer configurable email alarms at No Text/SMS though (?)

Strangely enough, AirLink must be configured as a stand-alone device to be able to perform alarm functions. Yes, you can set an alarm and even save one. But there is a message on the page stating “ IMPORTANT: You must provide an email address for notification to be sent to in the notifications section.” However, the link to the notifications section is broken and the tab missing if AirLink is not set as stand-alone. Therefore no email address can be set which of course equals no alarm… ](*,)

So because my 7210 AirLink is linked as a node to my 6313 WLC for visual display purposes, I cannot use the alarm function associated with it via! Alarms wouldn’t work when linked to my 6100 WLL either which I did think was bizarre as I thought that would have been a no-brainer (?)

(Mind you, now I’ve installed CumulusMX every issue I previously had is solved and it reliably generates every alarm I ever wanted or needed- including AQI. If I’m away from home I can now ‘smell’ a bushfire coming and react if the easterly wind gets up at the same time! Shady = Happy Shady \:D/)



Shady Acres Wx.
(b. 23/04/24)

Hardware: Davis Vantage Vue + WeatherLink Console (6242AU Bundle) + WeatherLink Live (6100AU), Davis AirLink (7210USB)
Hardware (anemometer upgrade- construction pending): Davis Sensor Transmitter (6332AU), Davis Vantage Pro Anemometer (6410), Davis Rain Collector (6466M)

Software: Cumulus MX 4.3.3 b4070 on macOS via WeatherLink Live (6100AU)
WeatherLink: Pro Subscription

Offline Mapantz

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #663 on: January 12, 2025, 07:47:01 AM »
I haven't touched my console for weeks, then suddenly, out of the blue, it went on a boot-loop frenzy. It eventually stopped on a white screen, but wouldn't load. I pressed the 'R' on the back, and got it working again. However, when the screen goes to sleep after lights out, the console will not come back on again in the morning when it gets light. I have to press the R again, until the next morning.

This console is such a pos, that it voluntarily breaks itself without any intervention.

Offline ShadySquirrel

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #664 on: January 18, 2025, 09:45:33 AM »
As I commented earlier, I have a VP2+6313 in a very remote farm, where some relatives live, they are not technically inclined at all.

As Mapantz said, also on the same week, specifically on 2025-01-17, the 6313 went crazy, the screen stopped working, I had to tell them by voice messages how to reset the thing, they tried several things and it seems it is working again.  Last time I had to drive 4+4 hours to check what was going on...  :mad:

Was there a firmware update? This would be the second time it happens to us that the devices goes on strike around night and needs manual intervention.

Offline WheatonRon

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #665 on: January 18, 2025, 11:43:23 AM »
As I commented earlier, I have a VP2+6313 in a very remote farm, where some relatives live, they are not technically inclined at all.

As Mapantz said, also on the same week, specifically on 2025-01-17, the 6313 went crazy, the screen stopped working, I had to tell them by voice messages how to reset the thing, they tried several things and it seems it is working again.  Last time I had to drive 4+4 hours to check what was going on...  :mad:

Was there a firmware update? This would be the second time it happens to us that the devices goes on strike around night and needs manual intervention.

Yes, there was a console firmware update dated January 7, 2025, release 1.4.62. You can verify you have this release by clicking on “Device Information” on your 6313 device. Operating System was last updated on November 18, 2024–version 1.3.9.
Davis VP2 with SHT31 (3 complete VP2 systems—2 with a daytime fan and 1 that has a 24 hour fan); CWOP--CW5020, FW3075 and FW4350; WU--KILWHEAT17, KILWHEAT36 and KILWHEAT39;; CoCoRaHS--IL-DP-132; and Weatherlink 2.0

Offline SCS48081

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #666 on: January 24, 2025, 02:06:28 AM »
Wow, what a thread! I read the first 7 and last 3 pages. Boy did the excitement seem to die down.

I just put a 14 year old Vue back into service and the ISS and the console seem to be working properly (though the ISS needs a battery).

Saw the new console on the website and thought that would be nice and then I saw the price! I would like a more modern display and I would like to view MY data on my laptop or phone which it sounds like this one will do. I would also like to make my data available for others to see as well. I am not, however, willing to pay that kind of money for the addtional functionality and pretty display that does not even last a day on batteries!

No reason they can't make an upgraded display for about the same cost as a cheap tablet because thats really all it is.

I guess I could try to sell my current display to cover some of the cost, but would want to keep that as a back up or use in a different area since it looks and works like new.


Offline GaryGo

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #667 on: January 24, 2025, 08:16:54 AM »
...I would like to view MY data on my laptop or phone which it sounds like this one will do. I would also like to make my data available for others to see as well. I am not, however, willing to pay that kind of money for the additional functionality and pretty display that does not even last a day on batteries!
I understand the frustration. However, I am pretty happy with a 6313 console that needs to be plugged in. I use the console's ability to customize the display so that my lovely wife can walk into the kitchen and see the temp and hi/lo/rain forecast for the day or night. I use the phone app to compare my station to a nearby neighborhood station. My current conditions are displayed on my own web site using the Davis API. I formerly used a cheaper brand but finally decided that I really really wanted all those features.
Davis Vantage Vue 6357 w/console 6313, Basic plan, 3/3/24-present.
Acurite Pro 02064C/999143, 2016-2024.

Offline IslandObserver

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #668 on: February 02, 2025, 02:32:47 AM »
Yes, the 6313 / system works pretty well, once you get the teething bugs sorted out.
Davis Pro V2 Station with Weatherlink Console
Located on dock on SE Bowyer Island

Offline johnd

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #669 on: February 02, 2025, 06:41:30 AM »
No reason they can't make an upgraded display for about the same cost as a cheap tablet because thats really all it is.

That's too simplistic. Certainly, the 6313 console has some parts in common with a cheaper tablet like the screen, case and processor board, but that's not the whole story. For example:

1. The 6313 is customised to include the special radio receiver circuitry that the Vue and VP2 transmitters use (which for anyone who doesn't know is not WiFi or Bluetooth).
2. The console includes all the software to run the console functions. Software is expensive to develop and to continue to maintain and evolve.
3. All the customisation/hardware development and software costs have to be amortized over a production run of a few thousand highly customised units per year, rather than potentially millions of units for a cheap tablet that uses a well established architecture and a free operating system.

I'm not going to attempt to justify the cost because no-one outside of Davis knows the cost breakdown of the customisation and software development. So understanding and/or questioning the cost breakdown is just not very feasible in a public forum. I dare say that Davis have a substantial margin on the product at list price, but Davis stations and parts are often available at discounted prices and in any event an accurate cost breakdown is simply not available.

And it bears repeating one more time that there was a constant clamour here and elsewhere that Davis needed to make a major improvement on the old microcontroller-based console design. This resulted in moving to an architecture with a microprocessor/operating system and modern touchscreen, which brings many advantages but which inevitably means a much higher power draw. So it becomes impossible to run such a console design on battery for more than several hours (at least not without using a crazy large battery). If you want a console that runs for months on battery power alone then you have to revert to the old architecture which is limited to basic microcontroller computation and some type of very low power display elements (which cannot be a full-screen touch display, unless perhaps e-Ink displays make further progress).

« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 04:59:12 AM by johnd »
Prodata Weather Systems
Prodata's FAQ/support site for Davis stations
Includes many details on 6313 Weatherlink console.
UK Davis Premier Dealer - All Davis stations, accessories and spares
Cambridge UK

Sorry, but I don't usually have time to help with individual issues by email unless you are a Prodata customer. Please post your issue in the relevant forum section here & I will comment there if I have anything useful to add.

Offline Mapantz

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Re: WeatherLink Console 6313 has arrived!
« Reply #670 on: February 03, 2025, 05:28:16 PM »
You know damn well that Davis are ripping consumers off when you see a Davis moulded plastic aero-cone rain collector being sold for between £100 and £150 on various online weather stores.