Author Topic: Keep using The Old SmartHub! Kevin has a release version of His Software!  (Read 47774 times)

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Offline DoctorKnow

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So acurite put in a fake IP address to a non existent server?

I don't think I can change that on meteobridge, or I just don't know how... Mine is .
« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 01:29:21 PM by DoctorKnow »

Offline Jack Bowman

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That does not work The and the original IP address associated with it are not resolving. I made an entry in the local HOST file and pointed it back at the original IP, and then tried a local IP, on my network and finally another random Google IP. It is looking for a response to work. That's it. We are done for know. Hello, Ambient Weather... here I come.
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Offline Jack Bowman

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The used the local machines loopback IP This eliminates traffic and ultimately killed the hub.
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Offline DoctorKnow

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I guess a PC connect console will still work? I am not even sure of that...

Offline nincehelser

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So acurite put in a fake IP address to a non existent server?

I don't think I can change that on meteobridge, or I just don't know how... Mine is .

Not really. is defined as local host loopback.  In this case it's the SmartHUB itself. is google's DNS.  You can't alter that, of course.  What you're looking is an option to define that resolves to some server address other than the one that listed in DNS.  Some routers have that option.  Some don't.  Or you might run a small DNS server on some other machine.  dnsmasq is a popular choice for linux.  I don't know what's popular for windows these days.

Offline nincehelser

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I guess a PC connect console will still work? I am not even sure of that...

Yes.  The PC Connect software was updated, but I assume you're using meteobridge instead, so it will still work.

Offline DoctorKnow

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I'll have to see if I can fine one. I don't have one since I never thought the smarthub would be fooled with like this once we saw it was still able to read sensors.

Offline Jack Bowman

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Because the hub is being routed through the bridged connection on a windows computer useing Kevins software at least... the HOSTS file lets you control IP destinations. We used to edit peoples HOSTS file as a joke. They would type in and would be directed to... well use your imagination!  :grin: :grin: :grin:

Not really. is defined as local host loopback.  In this case it's the SmartHUB itself. is google's DNS.  You can't alter that, of course.  What you're looking is an option to define that resolves to some server address other than the one that listed in DNS.  Some routers have that option.  Some don't.  Or you might run a small DNS server on some other machine.  dnsmasq is a popular choice for linux.  I don't know what's popular for windows these days.
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Offline bvstation

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I'm just completely mind blown that they would make it so you can't use them at all.
Is there anyone we can complain to at acurite?
I really thought I had dodged a bullet with the update to kevins software but now its all for nothing.

Offline nincehelser

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I'm just completely mind blown that they would make it so you can't use them at all.
Is there anyone we can complain to at acurite?
I really thought I had dodged a bullet with the update to kevins software but now its all for nothing.

It's fixable:

Offline bvstation

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I'm just completely mind blown that they would make it so you can't use them at all.
Is there anyone we can complain to at acurite?
I really thought I had dodged a bullet with the update to kevins software but now its all for nothing.

It's fixable:

Well I'm not sure what it says for a fix..I don't see any instructions there that would be simple enough to deal with or worth dealing with to resolve this vs kicking acurite to the curb.

Offline nincehelser

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I'm just completely mind blown that they would make it so you can't use them at all.
Is there anyone we can complain to at acurite?
I really thought I had dodged a bullet with the update to kevins software but now its all for nothing.

It's fixable:

Well I'm not sure what it says for a fix..I don't see any instructions there that would be simple enough to deal with or worth dealing with to resolve this vs kicking acurite to the curb.

Essentially it's just pointing the SmartHUB to a web server through a local DNS entry.

Installing a program like Acuparse will also do the trick, plus it will fix the other issues for independent operation.  It has a good installation guide.

Offline bvstation

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Installing a program like Acuparse will also do the trick, plus it will fix the other issues for independent operation.  It has a good installation guide.

Ehh I don't think that is a windows based program...I really don't wanna dabble with linux at this time again.
Or is it?

Offline galfert

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I wonder if Acuparse would run on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). It might. Is that then not dealing with Linux? Ha.... This is a joke that only techies will get.

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Offline berjerkin

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Hey all. I'm new here, and I'm looking for some help. I have a smarthub that quit working. I still have data reading on my display indoors, so i know the 5 in 1 is working properly. I downloaded Kevin's app, and tried to run it on my desktop, but i can"t get it to work. I followed the instructions as far as I know. I can't get the app to locate my hub. I installed a USB to Ethernet adapter to hook up the smarthub direct from my hub.  I am running windows 10, and I'm not a very techy guy. Please help!

Offline berjerkin

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i tried to attach some screenshots, but the site is not letting me post pictures for some reason. I tried emailing Kevin 4 days ago, and haven't heard back yet.

Offline nincehelser

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I don't think his program was ever updated to handle the DNS change to

In a nutshell, the host name that data used to be sent to now resolves to, which would be the SmartHUB itself. 

To make things work again, you need to have a local DNS resolve the name to minimal web server to keep it happy.

Offline berjerkin

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Thanks nincehesler. I think i know what you're getting at, but is this something i can do myself? Where do i even start with this?

Offline nincehelser

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It should be possible.  In general, you need to make a local DNS entry for to some local machine on which you have a web server.

If you have a Linux machine that you can use for DNS, dnsmasq is a popular choice.  I don't know what would be a good choice if you have to use Windows.

However, if you have Linux available, it might be easier to use Acuparse in the first place.  It's very well supported.

