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I bought a WS-5000 without console, flashed my 8 year old WS-2000 console to the latest firmware and I am running AWN again.  I love the weather hubs and HA integration too.
Thanks for the clarification!   I missed that.    ](*,)
I've downloaded CumulusMX, but I'm already overwhelmed with the installation instructions.
just download and unpack the ZIP file (archive) into a directory by the name ...\CumulusMX (or  .../CumulusMX depending on operation system).
then install the .NET runtime library under Windows or the dotnet library if you use Linux or MacOS.
Then start CMX in a console window
cd ..\CumulusMX
Linux, MacOS:
user:$ sudo dotnet CumulusMX.dll
or # dotnet CumulusMX.dll
then connect with your webbrowser to the address shown in the console window - often this is http://localhost:8998
then see the administration interface (web page) - there go to Settings and the Configuration Wizard
Thanks Paul,

Actually, it was my IP Datalogger that I had freed up from discontinuing Weather-Display.

I have CumulusMX installed, running and connected to my weather station via the IP Datalogger. Had trouble at first because I didn't have the .Net runtime installed.

I'm sure I'll have additional questions after some fiddling with CumulusMX, and certainly when I get the ecowitt LDS01.

Hi Dennis,
I've downloaded CumulusMX, but I'm already overwhelmed with the installation instructions. I will use an USB Datalogger connected to a Davis Envoy for my Davis input.
That is one of the easiest ways to do it as I have that as well (well except for me the RPi is still out of my league).  One point is that presumably you have run WeatherlinkPC, and the Envoy/USB logger can be run as USB or serial mode, and WeatherlinkPC can run either way.  However any third-party program, like Cumulus, must have the logger in serial mode.  There is a utility to run the Envoy/USB logger as "serial' if it has already been used as "USB" mode.  Once that is done and you have the COM port number for the logger on your PC, then it all fits into place.  Don't hesitate to ask if anything is not clear.

R.Sidetrack, PaulMy & Gyvate,

Thank you so much for your help, I'll have to say, I'm getting pretty excited with this snow measuring and new software to play with.

I've ordered the LDS01 and GW3000 from the ecowitt store. Regular shipping 10-25 days.

I've downloaded CumulusMX, but I'm already overwhelmed with the installation instructions. I will use an USB Datalogger connected to a Davis Envoy for my Davis input.

Also thank you for the reference to CumulusMX, I will check it out. Quite frankly, I didn't know it was still an active product. As an added benefit, if I remember correctly, they support my Davis hardware.
CumulusMX is definitely still active and ongoing development.  I am currently testing latest CumulusMX and my Davis station with the LDS01 using the GW2000.  These are the current CMX but with snow entered manually each morning in the CMX diary.  The LDS01 sourced data should follow soon.

V.4.4.0 to come soon
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Also thank you for the reference to CumulusMX, I will check it out. Quite frankly, I didn't know it was still an active product. As an added benefit, if I remember correctly, they support my Davis hardware.
CumulusMX is definitely still active and ongoing development.  I am currently testing latest CumulusMX and my Davis station with the LDS01 using the GW2000.  These are the current CMX but with snow entered manually each morning in the CMX diary.  The LDS01 sourced data should follow soon.

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