Web Weather > Useful Links

Interesting links for pc

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This link you can see all about your pc (ip,browser,and others )


This link you can see all about you have in pc (motherboard,proccecor,memorys,and manny others is free for 30 days


And this link i supose you know everybody it have many software to download


Greekweatherstationstop 100

This would have fit nicely into my previously suggested "Non weather related software" forum which you guys choose not to impliment. The above post does not really fit in this category. This is a weather forum I realize that, but why not expand our horizens just a tad, weather is not the end of the earth.

I know most of you tinker with other software that a lot of us might be interested in, I know I do and it might add some fun to the overall forum.

I'll shutup now :)

Ohh i am sorry about it ,i do not know it  UU  :-#  :D

--- Quote from: "Ravenstar" ---This would have fit nicely into my previously suggested "Non weather related software" forum which you guys choose not to impliment. The above post does not really fit in this category. This is a weather forum I realize that, but why not expand our horizens just a tad, weather is not the end of the earth.

I know most of you tinker with other software that a lot of us might be interested in, I know I do and it might add some fun to the overall forum.

I'll shutup now :)
--- End quote ---

Wasn't aimed at you Dimitris, the admins

Mark / Ohio:

--- Quote from: "Ravenstar" ---... This is a weather forum I realize that, but why not expand our horizons just a tad, weather is not the end of the earth.

I know most of you tinker with other software that a lot of us might be interested in, I know I do and it might add some fun to the overall forum.

--- End quote ---

I oddly do most of my non weather related blubbering in a tractor forum of all places.  We learned the hard way though two topics in particular, politics and religion you don't want to go there.  Too easy to loose friends.   They do allow the prayer chapel but keep a pretty tight rope around it to avoid going beyond that into any discussions.  :wink:

http://www.mytractorforum.com/ (Shameless plug for them.   O:)  )


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