Weather Software > Station Software Development

Davis Vantage Pro 2 - Loop2 Packet



I am reading the data directly from the Davis Vantage Pro 2 data logger via serial port.

I use to use the LOOP packet and read the data and I decided to use the LPS 2,1 and push this to a RabbitMQ server and then display the wind in near real time (2-3 seconds)

I think the 10 minute wind gust field is not correct as it is does not seem like a wind gust at all. The value is very low.

You can view the live values on my web site at

Looking at the documentation for LOOP2 at shows the following
Wind Direction 162It is a two-byte unsigned value from 1 to 360 degrees. (0° is no
wind data, 90° is East, 180° is South, 270° is West and 360° is north)
10-Min Avg Wind Speed 18 2 It is a two-byte unsigned value in 0.1mph resolution.2-Min Avg Wind Speed 20 2 It is a two-byte unsigned value in 0.1mph resolution.10-Min Wind Gust 22 2 It is a two-byte unsigned value in 0.1mph resolution.Wind Direction for the 10-Min Wind Gust24 2 It is a two-byte unsigned value from 1 to 360 degrees. (0° is no
wind data, 90° is East, 180° is South, 270° is West and 360° is
The issue I have is with the 10 min wind gust, it shows a very low value and does not appear to be related to a wind gust at all.

The 10 above refers to 1 mile per hour.

Note: Image taken at a different time than the bytes shown above.

Is anyone else using the LPS Command and can confirm that the 10 minute wind gust is not correct?

As you can see from the image below the *current* wind value exceeds all values, 2 min avg, 10 min avg, and 10 min gust so I dont know what the value is refeering to but it is not 10 min gust.


There is an error in the documentation...

Thanks for letting me know.

Wow it would be nice if they fixed their docs.




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