Weather Related Organizations >

Number of stream visitors?


Mark / Ohio:
Is there a new link available to the server status that shows how many current listeners we have on our streams?

I noticed the old link quit working for me after the SSL changeover.  It was neat to check in during severe weather to see how many were listening to the stream.  Also motivating when you see you have an actual audience of people at any given time depending on it. 

saratogaWX:  for SSL streams linked on

Mark / Ohio:
Thanks Ken!   8-)

You can also add a custom check to your wxstatus.php page if you like.

I use on my page  the attached code.  Put it in the 'custom status' area on the wxstatus.php page.

Just change the stream entries of
--- Code: ---   'CA-Monterey-KEC49' => 0,
  'CA-MontereyMarine-WWF64' => 0,
--- End code ---
to your streams on to use the script.

and change
--- Code: ---'/'
--- End code ---
to your website's URL.


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