Weather Station Hardware > Blitzortung
Blitzortung question
If I'm understanding Blitzortung correctly, it seems it works best as part of a network, correct?
My question is how well it reports things locally on its own.
Say, for example, a storm or disaster has knocked out my Internet access. Will I still get useful data?
Doesn't that system rely on other Blitzortung users that are on the Internet so your system can triangulate and plot a storm's position against their data? Any Blitzortung system (configured per instructions) alone would detect the lightning but would not be able to determine distance and direction accurately without the other on-line stations.
Hope this is the system you're talking about and if not I apologize.
Blitzortung does not attempt to determine distance on its own.
They explain this on
It requires "participation" of four stations for the strike to be mapped on the system. Here is a good explanation of why four stations are required:
Otherwise, the Yellow LED and waveform display are the only local indications of a strike (or noise).
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